Near death! Life changing

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New member
I had an experience like that. Riding near Allegan Mi, me a buddy and my girl, nice sunny day so little snows meltin and making puddles, going down a field line come up to a tree that sheltered the snow away from the trail abit so everyone was riding 5 to 7 feet to the side of the trail , farmer didnt like this so he purposely moved fence and wire over low to the ground, I went past and looked back to see how my girl was doing and I see the sled crawling and her on the ground, I go back and see if shes ok , thank god she was, I was so pissed , you could see how intentional the farmer was moving the wire, I started to pull the fence posts out near this hazard , I wanted to go knock on his door . I know there letting us use there land but they should think alittle more. Be careful out there.


New member
Well went and looked at this spot in the trail during the day with fresh eyes. Heres what I found. A single orange square trail marker, no direction arrow, no caution ahead, no keep left or keep right, no slow sign. This is a 90' corner in the trail next to the road. Now the club and landowner have marked the fence with RED reflectors, caution signs coming from each direction, and directional arrows. Thank you to the club and landowner.


New member
most of us have been there;and then we wonder what the **** we were were thinking.use the old bean and turn the eyes on your a** on


New member
Trailblazer, you gonna harp on Duane for going to fast and say he is wrecking it for all. Your out of line in a thread like this. If you have a problem, pm the guy or start your own thread because it's not all about you and saving the trail system. You would do much better in understanding the motive of the person who started the post and have a little compassion for a unfortunate situation. You are correct in you words but it is in poor taste and poor timing. Remember, it is titled "near death! Life changing." Nobody needs a "I told you so or why you doing that" sort of mentality. There is proper time, place for correction and rebuke.

Right on!!!


New member
So the original purpose of this thread was to remind us all that we are all involved in an inherently dangerous sport, and how quickly things can change for the worse. Not only from a health standpoint, but damage to the trails system as well as the hard work we have done trough clubs and organizations that support safe and educated snowmobiling. A split second decision can cost you your life and or a trail or trail system!! That being said seems MR. trailblazer has some kind of agenda, judging by his post and the following message i received this morning.
I understand that we all need to be pro-active and fight for our trails, that I will agree on. So here you go TRAILBLAZER. Here are the facts.

Was speed a factor, I do not know how fast I was going, I rarely check my inaccurate speedo, but seeing as how I ran into this two strand fence I would have to say yes speed may have been a factor. What speed would be safe at night? How far ahead can you see a two strand barb wire at night?
Was I unfamiliar with the trail, perhaps. This is the first year that the trail has gone this way.
Was alcohol a factor, perhaps. I had two beers, one with my burger, last being an hour prior to the incident.
Does any of this negate the fact that there was a single orange blazer, no directional arrow, no caution sign, anywhere. Not to mention that single blazer was on the last post in that fence row. Perpendicular to the trail. The last time it took a snowmobile safety course all be it a while back, the orange blazer indicates the middle of a designated trail providing for traffic on both side at a minimum of 6' in width.
So I hope that answers all your questions TB. I'm still very tankful to be sitting here writing this. I hope that I have the HONOR of someday riding the trails that TB grooms, maintains, and marks. Would be awesome to ride on perfect trails groomed by god himself.
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New member
Well I was trying to be nice, someone on here said just send a private message if you have something to say to the person, and that's what I did.
But you calling me GOD, that takes it to a new level. Your last post is what I expected. I sure hope you belong to a club to help work, seeing you know it all. And I'm sure your a treat to work with. Have a nice day.
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New member
Trailblazer, you gonna harp on Duane for going to fast and say he is wrecking it for all. Your out of line in a thread like this. If you have a problem, pm the guy or start your own thread because it's not all about you and saving the trail system. You would do much better in understanding the motive of the person who started the post and have a little compassion for a unfortunate situation. You are correct in you words but it is in poor taste and poor timing. Remember, it is titled "near death! Life changing." Nobody needs a "I told you so or why you doing that" sort of mentality. There is proper time, place for correction and rebuke.



Well-known member
Soap box? Sorry, but the truth hurts. To many younger people going to fast and not knowing the trails they are on. Maybe not in your case, but it is true.
There are alot of younger people with sleds that have no respect for the trails, the people riding them, and the people that take care of them. Again I'm not saying that you did anything wrong, and sorry it happened to you. Maybe when these people that are teaching the safty classes should spend a couple of hours teaching this to our kids, instead of teaching them hand signals.

today on my way home from school, there's a corn field in hortonville with 3 corners on it that you have to ride along the edge of school and there's me and 2 of my buddies riding right on the marked trail and about 10 sleds cut all 3 corners and rode right thru the middle of the field and passed us

sorry i changed subject lol

go on...
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New member
I just pointed out three faults on my part that could have contributed to my incident, hows does that make me a know it all. I thought I was just paying you a comment, sorry, didn't know you were so sensitive.
New level? You friend are the one that has resorted to profanity and personal attacks, oh wait isn't that a violation of
Ban this guy.
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New member
Looks like TB has gotten a friend to join in. LOL, great first post magie. You didn't join today just to pile on me, I feel so special. What a joke. I think I'm gonna do a little riding in DALE.


New member
Ah gotta love it.

Latest E-mail from TB ,resident E-THUG
If you want to bash each other, lets go?

MODS please delete this thread, Despite my intention I have let another keyboard jockey drag me to his level, This thread was never meant for this, my apologies to the rest of the JD community for my role in this ridiculous exchange.
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