Appears to maybe be a supply chain issue - the new replacement OEM part #6d3-r1313-00-00 is showing as out of stock from a lot of different online sources, like Partzilla, Yamaha Parts House, etc. Those guys are ecommerce websites, they don't stock many parts if any at all, they are just a point of sale, "pass through" type the part from them and it comes out of the one of the OEM's regional warehouses.....I.E. Yamaha is out of stock on this part.....hopefully short term and not discontinued/obsolete.
In-laws have 2 VX110's (I think 05's or 06's) with the same nozzle. Will have to be careful not to break them! They've been very reliable except batteries every few years, stator in 1, fogged gauge cluster in the other.
First advice I can give - scour the web for waverunner/jetski "junkyards", scour ebay....may be able to find a used part or a used nozzle assy that contains the end part you are looking for. Last resort, if all the pieces of your damaged one are available, start getting creative with glue/adhesive/rivets/aluminum strips to reinforce and repair!
Other advice, the VX110 is not really a high performance class machine, but maybe there is an aftermarket "performance" nozzle kit? Greenhulk and Riva Racing are 2 aftermarket outfits that come to mind.
Good luck