Don't sell the fans short. They have lots of go, are simple, aren't as heavy, are cheaper to buy (can you say free gas for the life of the sled compared to liquid??) won't have water pump issues, burping issues, or seal failures, and if you ADJUST THE FUEL NEEDLE when it warms up a bit you can take them anywhere without boggin down.
You can beat the heck out of a fan...which is why they are nearly the number one rental sled, and you won't lose as much money on them when you sell them because you bought them right to begin with. They have the same warranty too.
You are going to have to clean carbs no matter what model you buy so don't turn your nose up at a fan....just keep your options open.
If you are going to go liquid, go all the way to fuel injected....then know what a difference that makes in a sled over all weather conditions, compared to carbs.
I agree with anonomoose, I like the the fan cooled too, even though my primary sled is a 600 Classic. I don't know much about the 550,but have heard that they are troublesome, the earlier ones anyway. I have had 2 Indy Trail's with rhe 488 fan and they were bullit proof. I just bought a 98 Super Sport with the 488 that has 3000 miles on it for $700. I like the fans because they fairly lite weight for the wife to ride.
The Fuji 488 fan is a whole different motor than the 550 fan. Your post contradicts itself?? Your basically comparing a Honda to a Yugo. (Good to junk). Why don't your wife get the classic? It has all the goodies she would enjoy.
Any one thinking a 550 fan from Polaris is a good motor is surely fooling themselves. The only reason that motor is around is because Polaris can make money on it. It is crap.
if buying a fan go new no current drive it for 4or5 yrs sell it for maby 1500 loss. try that with a 600 liquid.but if buying a fan I really like the z570 04and older twin carb great power. the 05 and up went to a single carb and lost like 10hp.the wife/backup/buddy sled 04 570 has like 2000 Mi on it never a prob payed 3700 out the door at the end of 04. neighbor was offering me 2000 this fall but I did not want to sell because It would cost me another 4k or better to replace it