New sled, new direction.

Nytro, great choice. You too cobalt. I love them both. Doug, yours is fine but way more sled then you can handle..... (I'm the brother he mentions above) I've been looking at my new blue xtx in my garage since April. Last year I was on an 02 xcsp 500. Turned 10,000 miles on that trip Doug wrote about. That was a great sled but I'm glad to have moved up. See you in da yoop!


New member
cobalt, your new sled looks great! Rod and Tom have a great dealership that is very close to home. I really like the Ez-Pro Sled Scoot that is made right in our back yard (Freedom, WI).

With the cooler weather and all the nice new sled pics I am getting the itch! Thanks for posting all the pics.


New member
I've got a couple of questions for anybody with a 08-2010 Nytro, 1) Where is the a good spot for the registration stickers? 2)Did you buy an extended warranty, I did, 5 years. I now see that had I known I was goihg to buy a Yamaha earlier I could have got it for free. I still got a great deal.


Well-known member
I put my sticker up high on the side panel behind the vent. I was worried about it ripping off or getting pulled over if it was to low, how ever I have seen lots of sticker on the side panel under the Yamahalube sticker.

yeah got the extended warrenty when I snow checked it for like a $100 bucks, pretty much a no brainer. I mean lot easier selling a used sled with a warrenty


Active member
To prevent the sticker from coming off I recommend that you dab a little clear finger nail polish on each of the four corners, it works great and you can hardly see it!



New member
I put mine under the Yamalube decal (Yamaha on a pre- 2010) and it held on fine. One wouldn't think so due to the texture of the plastic but a Wisconsin sticker did work.

To me, the most out of the way but legal location is what I would want.

Also to all Nytro riders, I would be interested in hearing some of the suspension adjustments you found to work. So far, I have only increased the clicker controls on the top of each shock about 2 -3 notches. This greatly reduced the roll out effect on corners.



Well-known member
Welcome to the wonderful world of Yam 4s. The black looks sweet! Let us know how you like it once you get it tweaked for your riding style.


New member
billy, hambone doesn't do any boys trip planning any more. Last year your dad put it together, it was great! I called him last monday and told him to count me in for this year again. How come there's a pic of my ugly mug under your profile.


New member

Did Hambone go last year? I was messing with you on the picture, forgot my email address was in my profile that would give away who I was. Thought you'd wonder who would have a picture of you. Nice looking sled! Not sure if I'll be up for Boy's Trip, I've been laid off for 4 months, just went back to work a couple weeks ago.


New member
billy, you probably don't know but I have CRS disease. I knew all that partying in high school would come at a price. Hambone was probably there at his cabin I don't recall for sure. I'm glad to hear your back to work. I'll need to work till my 80's to pay back all this debt I'm rackin up!


New member
my wifes 2010 vector short track is sweet. It could outrun my 2008 short track nytro consistently. Better hook up i guess. Better ride n guages too


my wifes 2010 vector short track is sweet. It could outrun my 2008 short track nytro consistently. Better hook up i guess. Better ride n guages too
The Vector and the Nytro have different rear suspensions. The Vector's is 'faster' but the Nytro's is better for pounding on.


Welcome to Yamaha family! You will love the XTX.

I am partial to black as well! Here is my XTX after a new exhaust but before supercharging:

I was thinking about trading mine for an 800 Backcountry but after swapping sleds with my buddy for the day (800R Gade) I changed my mine. It was light and had decent top end but it definitely didn't have the torquey "punchy" feel that the Yamaha has. In fact after ridding my sled for the day my bud said it was "like riding a crotch rocket" Also it is 100% accurate when people say the Nytro wants to be ridden HARD. The more I push it the better it rides. It's not a sit down cruiser like the Vector. You want to get your feet underneath you, get in an athletic position, and RIDE the sled!

If you are running stock skis you will probably want to change those. They are the worst part about the Yamahas. There is a ton of info on TY. I highly recommend perusing here:


New member
Ya, It,s nice to be rembered though. My sled now has 3,888 miles on it. I had the sub frame replaced under warranty this summer. I bought the wife a 1200 TNT last year, so now we're an all 4 stroke family