No confidence in Markets...


New member
Looks like the rescue is coming so that there is zero chance to let things get worse.

Must be they were more worried than I thought! Announced this right at the get go of the market opening.

"Markets set for strong advance at the open after EU officials approve a $900 billion bailout to stabilize the euro and rescue debt-choked Greece"


Well-known member
USA Markets flying high at open. Traders buying like crazy stocks are cheap!! Still a a few hours to sweat out to hold trends... then days..... then weeks. I still think USA recovery is real & investors want to buy in to make some dough. Ezra is correct if Fed pops at this time no place to go for more bailouts but recovery is paying off those bailouts even GM. My point of view is hang in there, don't panic & do something stupid & let your paper increase in value.


Well-known member
BTW GM used bail out money to pay back bail out money. they took 1 pile of tax money and used it to pay back some of the pile of tax the adds are BS just clever accounting and a good P.R. firm


Well-known member
As long as it is legal US Gov should take money that GM offers as pay back. Trends are US residents turning back to US buying US cars. Profits are real & take the bucks while GM giving back regardless of bookeeping methods. If GM wants more bailout money you know the answer will be NO & they are not asking..... don't need it. Things are better all around USA.


Well-known member
As long as it is legal US Gov should take money that GM offers as pay back. Trends are US residents turning back to US buying US cars. Profits are real & take the bucks while GM giving back regardless of bookeeping methods. If GM wants more bailout money you know the answer will be NO & they are not asking..... don't need it. Things are better all around USA.

profits in GM are not real April 7 2010 GM reports 3.4 billion quarterly losses


Well-known member
I'm not following GM don't own their stock but if they throw money back to US gov that is a good thing. I hope GM does well better outcome for MI, USA & all of us.


Well-known member
What is done is done at GM. I have mellowed regarding GM bailout. May have been a better or different way but too late now. Govs around the world have to back stop banks or everything will break down. Currently a huge US voter backlash against all bailouts really does not matter what party rep or dem supporters are being tossed out of office. I'm not sure this is the correct approach but people are people & are still pissed. Maybe if their lives improve they will mellow ...hard to say.


New member
All I know is all the money i put in a coffee can amd buried im my yard 2 1/2 years ago is all still there. (unless my wife found the map?) That is more than most people can say. Im just thankfull I didnt lose any


Well-known member
well looks like the bail out of Freddy and fanny was no more than a pinkie in the dike and the hole has gotten to be the size Texas now.oh well they meant well and that is all that matters right?


Well-known member
Failure of Freddy and Fanny puts many Americans out in the street. If it was me I would be careful to make sure average Joes don't get hurt & do what is best for all. I would hate to see more mortage defaults as drags down everyone main street & wall street. There will be problems that need attention which is a new norm but getting much better.


Nothing has been 'fixed'. Just postponed. The only reason we do not have massive inflation right now is that the fragile economy could not bear it. But don't worry - you can't print the massive amount of money they have printed without consequences. If you intend on buying a big ticket item it is cheap now compared to what it will be in perhaps another year. Also interest rates are cheap. None of this can last.


Well-known member
Enjoy each day for what it is. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. Use a level head, think things thru, don't over react & the recovery will pay down some of the debt. Little by little we will find solutions for problems. I'm not giving up no reason to think that way. There will be problems & potholes that we will hit but no one is asleep at the wheel so days become weeks, weeks become months & so on. Things are better overrall enjoy that fact.


New member
Enjoy each day for what it is. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. Use a level head, think things thru, don't over react & the recovery will pay down some of the debt. Little by little we will find solutions for problems. I'm not giving up no reason to think that way. There will be problems & potholes that we will hit but no one is asleep at the wheel so days become weeks, weeks become months & so on. Things are better overrall enjoy that fact.

X2 best post in months on this site!


Well-known member
MLK was THE MAN white, black or green did not matter to him. If it is your time little you can do to change that. Just do the best you can while you are here so when you do look back you have few or no regrets. Live your life the best you can even tho it may be very difficult at times to know what the right thing is. Nobody said it would be easy. To me the 50s were pretty darn good or easy not much going on but good stuff but I was just a puppie then. After 65 the world changed big time & leading edge technology took over & we are still in that mode. Much better life ahead we just need to figure it out together.


New member
No where to hide these days....

Was thinking of putting a few dollars into a good 2 dollar stock, and lett'n it ride. Have'n trouble finding one I like....anybody see something worthy of a gamble??


Well-known member
The USA stock markets are dysfunctional now. Lots of good news USA retail & industrial profits way up & positive but no one cares.... all over shadowed by Europe's overspending & then being backstopped without making budget cuts up front. SUCKS to be a socialist & people are pissed entitlements WILL be cut. One of these days soon there will be a huge UP day when investors come to their senses & realize everything is AOK. Use current situation to buy quality best of breed dividend stocks & hold your position. Take advantage of the facts not the emotions of the markets.