NO Meaningful snows for the next 16 days!!!!!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 10829
  • Start date

Deleted member 10829

I'm starting to go nuts with this darn forecast. It would be one thing if we had something to look forward to, but it doesn't look good right now for any meaningful snows for the next 16 days, and that includes the UP! I hope there is a big change somehow. I wish Wawa wasn't so far away from me! :(


Well-known member
I was just going to say, being a weatherman/snow forecaster must have become quite the boring job this year......


New member
Yep, this is getting old real fast----got a trip planned to the UP Jan 5th-8th. Jan 5th is now 16 days away, so things had better start to turn around real quick. Sure would be nice to see that 5-10 and 11-16 day forecast change, but I'm sure not holding my breath. Temps look to be coming down, but the lack of snow on the ground and in the forecast is just plain depressing. Last year, we put on 140 miles the day after X-Mas in the Hurley area. This year, no sir---it ain't happening. And it don't look like it will be happening for New Years either. Losing that week between Christmas and New Years is a devastating blow to the businesses that rely on the tourism. Hopefully things change for the better soon. Might be time to consider loading up the sleds and heading south-the trails around Wichita should be great after the dumping they're getting.

Happy Holidays to all!!


Active member
Yeah I went up north last year the 29th-till the Jan 1st and that was right when the warm up cam and rain. If the local buisness's lose another holiday week this year that is not going to be good at all. And it looks like they are going to. I remeber a owner of a bar telling me last year that 1/3 or more of his winter income comes from the week between X-mas and New Years! I hope it snows just for their sake!


New member
Its up to 30* with the sun shining here now, and I'm beginning to wonder if we will even have a white Christmas this year.

Still using my ATV and truck to get in and out of the woods for work because there isn't enough snow to warrant a snowmobile.


Well-known member
At this rate the 2013 sleds will hit the snow at the same time as the 2012 sleds. Sure glad I didn't upgrade!:)


Active member
Title could read "90 days",,,,,,

The 90 day outlook from NOAA looks just as bad!
(Updated 12-15-11)

Hurts local Buisnesss AND adds to the current drought.

PLUS Michigan & Wisconsin DNR will take credit for low snowmobile accident rate. ( "figures don't lie,,,,,liars figure" )
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Well-known member
we are planing on leaving new yrs day to Breckenridge but not looking good any place in CO now except 5hr south of breck bad buzz to say the 12kft in rabbit ears 21in Vail 20 in that is crazy should be at least 6ft to 12 ft buy now.
been living at this site for 3 weeks thinking that if I visit enough it will change NOT WORKING

Deleted member 10829

Is there good snow in Wawa right now? I can't find a cam online anywhrere.


Check out the 2 threads in Area Conditions relating to Wawa. Good link to the blog of one of the groomers up there. Looks great up there!


Sitting at home in the second week of vacation and a new Switchback Assault in the garage and no snow. Can itget anymore depressing. Hopefully something will happen soon,I am getting a little bored.