Nobody should be surprised by this ethanol study

old abe

Well-known member
Just a few facts on ethanol produced from corn. Remember, ethanol producers want blender pumps so consumer can chose from 0 ethanol to 85%.
#1 all subsidies expired end of 2012
#2 It is buy far cheaper now to produce a gallon of ethanol than gasoline.
#3 All tariff protections gone in 2012


Well-known member
Just a few facts on ethanol produced from corn. Remember, ethanol producers want blender pumps so consumer can chose from 0 ethanol to 85%.
#1 all subsidies expired end of 2012
#2 It is buy far cheaper now to produce a gallon of ethanol than gasoline.
#3 All tariff protections gone in 2012
Blender pumps need to be pumps for dummies or 85% going to do damage to engines.
Check out your gas mileage with ethanol blend vs. real gas. 15-25% decrease with blends.

So what are we as consumers gaining when we have to fill up our tanks more often? Higher food prices?


old abe

Well-known member
In 2008 gasoline @ 4.25, E-85 @ 2.50 to 2.70, I ran a lot of miles with E-85. Only lost 2 miles to the gallon, Go figure. If E- 85 is 40 to 60 cents less I come out OK. This is on CK 1500 GMC, and CK 1500 Chevy. Not promoting the stuff, but it works for me. I like the idea of blender pumps, you can chose what you want. 1 truck over 200K miles, the other one 165K, have not had any engine problems with either one. To each his own.


Well-known member
Just a few facts on ethanol produced from corn. Remember, ethanol producers want blender pumps so consumer can chose from 0 ethanol to 85%.
#1 all subsidies expired end of 2012
#2 It is buy far cheaper now to produce a gallon of ethanol than gasoline.
#3 All tariff protections gone in 2012

to argue that the RFS isn’t a subsidy, we surely can’t ignore all the other government giveaways for ethanol. The industry enjoys subsidies through farm bill energy title programs such as the Rural Energy for America Program and the Bioenergy Program for Advanced Biofuels; tax breaks such as the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit, Master Limited Partnerships, and biodiesel tax credits; and various Departments of Energy and Transportation programs. Worse yet, on Sept. 30, a member of the Iowa Congressional delegation Senator Harkin (D-IA) proposed billions more in new ethanol subsidies such as those for blender pumps, storage tanks, and biofuels pipelines.

subsidies for corn ethanol still exist, unnecessarily burdening taxpayers and consumers at a time when the U.S. can least afford it. If we want to get serious about kicking the habit of irresponsible spending that has ballooned our national debt, we should start by accepting reality.


Super Moderator
Staff member
We just bought a 2011 Chrysler 200 limited. It can run e85. My wife averages 27 combined on 87 octane, 10% ethanol. She filled up once with e85, thst tank she got 19 combined. E85? No thanks lol.
We just bought a 2011 Chrysler 200 limited. It can run e85. My wife averages 27 combined on 87 octane, 10% ethanol. She filled up once with e85, thst tank she got 19 combined. E85? No thanks lol.

Now go find 100% real dino gas and you will be over 30 mpg.



Well-known member
Just a few facts on ethanol produced from corn. Remember, ethanol producers want blender pumps so consumer can chose from 0 ethanol to 85%.
#1 all subsidies expired end of 2012
#2 It is buy far cheaper now to produce a gallon of ethanol than gasoline.
#3 All tariff protections gone in 2012

I can't imagine #2 is true but I haven't done my homework recently so I won't argue.

Blender pumps would only be possible if the mandate for the sale of X gallons/year was eliminated. I'd love to be able to buy real gas anywhere again, and not just high octane.


Well-known member
none of it is true all just re named and re branded welfare on a scale so massive only government could conceive


Well-known member
none of it is true all just re named and re branded welfare on a scale so massive only government could conceive

That is true - only in Washington DC could it be decided that the taxpayers who are running billions and even over a trillion of annual deficits should subsidize a profitable industry (Big Corn)'s efforts to turn food into fuel, then mandate the use of that fuel by the same taxpayers, regardless of the impacts on the environment, economy or engines burning it, and then if that's not enough, add tariffs to make sure there is no competition for Big Corn's profits. Got to make sure we don't drill for our own oil or buy it from the scary Canadians.


And don't forget it takes 8 gallons of fresh water to make one gallon of ethanol. The west coast is drying up right now. Perhaps the goal is to dry up the entire country. I cannot believe the eco-freaks are so blind they cannot see this. We might save the ring-tail otter maggot but we will all perish due to lack of fresh water.


My wife has a Siverado w/5.8 Flex Fuel. Filled up w/E-85 about a month ago- was $.72/gal. less than 87 oct. Mileage went down 4 mpg. and alot less power. Figured the difference in price/gal. and mileage and it cost her $5/tank more to fill up on E-85. Junk.