Obamas nobel prize.... why?


Reality is: it sucks to be the US President, no matter who you are or what party your affiliated with. Its a thankless job with a long line of bashers who think they can do better.


bashers? that speaks a lot from a certain perspective

Let me give you a perspective that is real, a real experience. I am 45 and lived in Illinois 42 years of my life. I worked hard as a young adult and made good money, so to speak. I got married, had children, owned my own business, had 2 nice vehicles and a nice house. I built 2 more houses and sold them giving me a great return (2 good business choises.) Regardless of my income, my spending was relative to my income, it's the American dream. I realized I was a man who owned nothing. Sure I had assets but the big item's like house and 35k vehicles, I had notes on them just as much of America does. Remember, it's the "american dream." I did finally get tired of doing well with nothing to show, it is a ridiculous cycle this american dream is. Borrow borrow borrow is BS and NOBODY should be enslaved to their finances. I got fed up and cashed out and moved to the UP where you can get a lot for your money. I bought a 50k house which I own, I own a 2001 Chrysler Town & Country with 188k miles, but I own it. I have very little debt, a small line of credit I used to build a cabin. Here's my point, cash for clunkers motivates people to spend and with the majority of the people in this country in the middle and low class we spend. Just as the sub prime mortgage rates which is mainly responsible for the economic housing crunch we are in right now, cash for clunkers is the same mindset. Sub prime mortgage lending motivated people to live beyond their means, and trading in a vehicle and getting 4500 for it motivates us to get into another vehicle that we may not possible afford.

BHO has the mindset to get the US out of debt by SPENDING. Sure there are people who do indeed need help and I support programs for the less fortunate but to bail people out of bad decisions? I sold the last house because I was scared to death I was going to default and I got lucky to sell 2 years ago. I put the house on the market for 499,000 and sold in 9 days for 492,000. I was in the right place at the right time. If I didn't find a buyer what would have happened? I'll tell ya, I would have foreclosed and it would have been a bad business decision and nobody's fault except my own.

This is my real life story and nobody can say I wasn't responsible for the debt I racked up, it's the norm. 85-90% of us do this very thing and many have had hard times. I am not saying I have a good plan to get us out but I do know how to prevent this from happening again in my life. I just sold my 01 ford excursion for 4700 and bought the Town and country for 2025. The 2675 is a huge amount of money to me these days. This money is going to help me through the winter when my construction work comes to a near hault.

As a nation, we all need to examine out debt to income ratio and not let the banks tell us what is a comfortable debt to income ratio. Borrowing in of itself is a risk, circumstances can put us into a bad situation and default is not far away. Why not live within our means and borrow less. The American dream machine is out of control and Washington continues to spend and bail out people for poor decisions and encourages them to do it again with BS programs. Money is the root of all evil and we are experiencing the result of nationwide greed.

Like it or not, this is my real life experience, not a hunch. I am sure I am not correct in all my points but at least I am not guessing. I applied cause and effect and came to a conclusion, took action and bailed myself out. I'd have it no other way.


Well-known member
he was going to win but the academy thought he used to many aaah aaah mmmm aahhh in his eloquent spech reading.


Well-known member
I'm not too sure, but, I think it's because of his elequent speaking & his ability to read a teleprompter. Beyond that, he has not proven anything to any of us, nor has he had the time to. I guess he is in good company with Al Gore!? God help us.-Mezz


New member
Ummmm.....Sooooo...HOW BOUT' THEM CUBBIES!



New member
Cubbies..hmmmm..They are bankrupt! They will file for chapter 13 protection, resettled their debts, then change there name to the SCRUBBIES!


Active member
Nomination deadline for this prize was Feb 1. So this was awarded based on 2 weeks as President and future expectations. Not past accomplishments.


New member

Nice bit of research there fella...NASH would be proud of you.

Fact is the people involved in voting for the peace prize, which btw, is funded from a pot of dough that was set aside from a guy who invented dynamite or gun powder, I forget which, and who made huge amounts of money during war times because his invention killed people. No doubt NASH will get "the rest of the story" out here.

They are ordinary people who have axes to grind and who lean politically in every direction.


Maybe they should call this prize committee, a steering committee???

Lenny....nice story! I have seen guys with brand spanking new excursions, hooked to brand new 40 foot trailers rolling down the highway on I-75 and I think to myself that if this guy bought a small trailer and used pickup, he could bank all the money he spent and RETIRE 20 years sooner. I just KNOW, the guy is rolling down the road, thinking of how to make that next payment taking the edge off of owning all that equipment including insurance to cover that equipment and warranties to cover breakdowns, and I roll buy and look at the poor fella and feel real sorry for him.

But as Lenny says, it's the American way.

Just like the Cubs, you go belly up, dispose of your expenses in one day, and start up business the next day as if nothing happened.

So you have to ask yourself "...do you feel lucky punk..." oops, (that's another story line)...I mean, "what's wrong with this picture...???" Going belly up means that someone took a hit...always!! Is it morally correct...or doesn't that matter anymore??

Lenny, did you ever think that maybe YOU did it wrong and you should have kept working the system until you got a nice pot of money and then you, yourself might have pulled a "Chicago cubs turn-around"???


boondocker, nope, I do not see that as an option. Maybe it is legal in a sense but I am responsible for the debt I rack up so I should pay it back, plain and simple.

I do have a close friend that has built 7 houses and renovated another 3 homes. He always did fairly well on them till the last one. He didn't figure the cost of the house initially and ran out of money. He borrowed against his personal home and ran all the equity out. Now he is foreclosing on both. He found a old farm house to rent. He agrees HIS plans didn't work out. Borrowing money is a risk, you may not be able to pay it back, that's what we need to keep in mind here and right now our country is racking up the biggest debt in history. I hope it works but I highly doubt it, seems to be backwards to me. I think we should have rode it out.

off to work now!


New member
lenny, its great to know that there are guys like you still out there. Boondocker you are so spot on with your observations. These same people also bought the McMansions that they can no longer afford. We have friends that were seduced by "credit" and are hurting now. My wife and I are still in our first house we built back in '99. We had been tempted many times to upgrade however common sense always over ruled.

Agree that the Nobel prize means nothing.


Well-known member
Lenny...great story, really makes one think. We have two cars with notes (one purchased with cash for clunkers) and sometimes I think we're crazy for doing so.

One correction though: it's the LOVE of money that's the root of all evil.


Alfred Bernhard Nobel (Stockholm, Sweden, 21 October 1833 – Sanremo, Italy, 10 December 1896) was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite. He owned Bofors, a major armaments manufacturer, which he had redirected from its previous role as an iron and steel mill. In his last will, he used his enormous fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes.


New member
Yeah, I remembered about 10% of that anyway. I knew they guy was trying to get into heavan after living the high life building and selling bombs.

I think we can alla agree that he might have left a legacy of money but he didn't put enough safeguards in WHO would be doing the deciding when he was gone. Means nothing but money now.


New member

Congrats on getting out with your shirt still on!

We have looked at upgrading our home and we are still in the first house we bought w/plans to pay it off in the near future. We don't take elaborate trips,own a cabin, or anything else we can't buy w/cash. Live within your means! Interesting concept.

I'm in the construction industry and have seen many come and go w/promises of fortune over the last 20+ years. It doesn't happen without a plan to get debt free (Denny Hecker). Paper money is not cash in the bank, assetts are only worth what someone is willing to pay.

Congrats again on your move to simplify life, I've always done the same (must be ny farm upbringing)

BTW- Lenny, I would be very interested in your guiding for the powder haunts by Greenland. I'll give ya a call offline.