OF COURSE...local TV station HAS to run this!!!

Attak man

New member

I'm sorry...but it chaps my *** when they do this....it's like they feel they need to run this story (every year..first snow)...because we snowmobilers are irresponsible dumb asses...It seems like they almost run these stories just to get the anti snowmobiling folks on high alert (call the dnr or sherriff's if you see a sled out)......I realize some dopey kid will probably jump on a trail, and make us all look bad...but...I want to believe most of us know better....even if you could run down these trails right now...you wouldn't want to...the swamps are wide open, and with the freezing rain, and heavy snow...a lot of tree limbs are down as well...so please stay off the trails...I hope someday I don't have to see a story like this every November.

I plan on running my sled around the yard, and down the alley...but won't be anywhere near a trail...and btw...ditch banging is perfectly legal (just not next to an interstate)..so you can ride, and not be on any trail.

Sorry for my rant...but the media up here lately is a joke....like alot of you I also get excited about snow, and will be riding, around my house tonight...and up in LDF this weekend (ditches, and private land by my mother's place)...already 15 plus inches up there (12 plus here..in Tomahawk).

Attak man

New member
and don't get me started on these bonus hunting seasons up north (do we really need a seperate muzzleloader season??...You can't shoot your muzzle loader during gun season??)...the hunters I talked to said..there should not be any bonus tags anywhere north of hwy 8....they aren't seeing many deer....(I also heard some hunters grumbling about the youth hunt in october...as a few of these kids knocked down some trophy bucks..that made me laugh)

Attak man

New member
I see this news article as a community service post, not a rip on snowmobilers.


I would high hertel...except...if you live here you know better...TRAILS aren't open...period....there really isn't a need for this...ask any snowmobiler here...they know

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Article seems OK to me......

It's not the content groomer driver...it's the why run it?? They aren't slamming sledders per say...it's "WE have to do a story every year to make sure the dumb****s stay off the trails".


New member
I know what your saying Attackman. Just like when they run the pictures/videos of vehicle accidents after the first snowfall. Or when the first sub zero cold snap comes and they show videos of people walking around with what they think is less than ideal clothing.

Anything for a story I guess.

Attak man

New member
I know what your saying Attackman. Just like when they run the pictures/videos of vehicle accidents after the first snowfall. Or when the first sub zero cold snap comes and they show videos of people walking around with what they think is less than ideal clothing.

Anything for a story I guess.

Yeah...and that's my point...I think most of the sledders here..know better than to ride on closed trails...I mean it's november...lol So who are they running this story for?? Sorry guys..it just bugs me...I am getting old, crabby and defensive...especially about things I love


Sorry to tell you Attak man. But there's always some uninformed person or person(s) who will be completely clueless and head out on the trails. You're assuming all sledders are law abiding citizens who have their snowmobile registered, belong to a club, etc... Every year the second there's snow on the ground there's always somebody riding the trails even when they are marked closed... So unfortunately for the few who ruin it for everybody, stories like this are necessary.


New member
Here is another way to look at this. You say responsible riders know better than to ride on a trail and piss anti sledders off. Do you think that an anti sledder knows the difference between a trail and the ditch? Some trails run ditch lines some don't but any anti sledder that sees a sled out won't know or care if they are on the trail or just a ditch the only thing they will see is a sled out.
I would high hertel...except...if you live here you know better...TRAILS aren't open...period....there really isn't a need for this...ask any snowmobiler here...they know

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It's not the content groomer driver...it's the why run it?? They aren't slamming sledders per say...it's "WE have to do a story every year to make sure the dumb****s stay off the trails".

Lived in WI for 47 years, be back soon. Yes it is an annual 'schtick' the media plays, probably told by the local cops to run it so they can write tickets. You have been warned, didn't you see our public address message in the paper or on TV? Trails are closed, here is your ticket...



New member
I have no problem with the article.... look under the cam section on the main page Trail Cam 2 and you can already see a snowmobile has went through...

when there are no more idiots (which will never happen) there will always be that news on the 1st snowfall.


Some KID jump on a sled????
We got old retired dudes chomping at the bit to bend/fracture a law or two to go ride. Even if it is legal to ride between 11 and 1, which is ridiculous by the way, why would you give hunters or tree huggers any excuse?
Just hold off for a few more weeks - geezus. Trails suck till they're panned and groomed anyways.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I have no problem with the article.... look under the cam section on the main page Trail Cam 2 and you can already see a snowmobile has went through...

when there are no more idiots (which will never happen) there will always be that news on the 1st snowfall.

The trail in the trail cam 2 is a multi use trail, open year round. Deer hunting has not started up there yet, its perfectly legal to be on that trail right now.


Some KID jump on a sled????
We got old retired dudes chomping at the bit to bend/fracture a law or two to go ride. Even if it is legal to ride between 11 and 1, which is ridiculous by the way, why would you give hunters or tree huggers any excuse?
Just hold off for a few more weeks - geezus. Trails suck till they're panned and groomed anyways.

if it's legal,,,,, than so be it. You don't think it's the right thing to do so don't do it, why ya gotta tell everyone not to do something that is legal? Oh yea,,, I forgot,,,because you don't. :rolleyes: sheshhhhhh