OF COURSE...local TV station HAS to run this!!!


Active member
There are more dumb people than smart people. The news is there for the dumb ones.

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I just want to see more of Hayley Tenpas!


New member
I guess I don't see the harm in the article. It's no worse than mentioning to people that they need to slow down in the snow.....Does that really need to be said? of course not....but people just need a reminder about the simple things


if it's legal,,,,, than so be it. You don't think it's the right thing to do so don't do it, why ya gotta tell everyone not to do something that is legal? Oh yea,,, I forgot,,,because you don't. :rolleyes: sheshhhhhh

It's about consideration and respect for hunters and property owners, an ethic that's apparently lost on many nowadays.
It's legal to catch and eat a musky too, but out of respect for the sport and its future, I practice catch and release.
Show some restraint - or not. Be a heathen if it suits you, or show some class. JMO. Enough said, I'm out.


Well-known member
I guess i still don't see the actual damage that snowmobiles on snow do....you and your push lawn mower is worse rapists by a mile.


It's about consideration and respect for hunters and property owners, an ethic that's apparently lost on many nowadays.
It's legal to catch and eat a musky too, but out of respect for the sport and its future, I practice catch and release.
Show some restraint - or not. Be a heathen if it suits you, or show some class. JMO. Enough said, I'm out.

Your funny,,,,,it's not about consideration and respect because that has been established when the laws were created. All trails are not open but a select few are open and do you really know better than those who have studied the subject, made the recommendations and provisions into law? You lay down your right to catch a fish to feed your family when people study the muskie population and deem it reasonable to catch and eat the fish? It's reasonable for you to develop your opinion and even more reasonable for you to practice what you preach. The problem I have with people like you is that you impose your opinion upon others and than use stupid sarcastic words such as "ethic that's apparently lost", "Show some restraint", "Be a heathen", "show some class". Your words are foolish but the good thing is that the world can read just how foolish they are, now there on your permanent record


Active member
Of course, the original News report IS about Wisconsin, so those of you arguing about Michigan are wasting your ink.


Well-known member
Your funny,,,,,it's not about consideration and respect because that has been established when the laws were created. All trails are not open but a select few are open and do you really know better than those who have studied the subject, made the recommendations and provisions into law? You lay down your right to catch a fish to feed your family when people study the muskie population and deem it reasonable to catch and eat the fish? It's reasonable for you to develop your opinion and even more reasonable for you to practice what you preach. The problem I have with people like you is that you impose your opinion upon others and than use stupid sarcastic words such as "ethic that's apparently lost", "Show some restraint", "Be a heathen", "show some class". Your words are foolish but the good thing is that the world can read just how foolish they are, now there on your permanent record

I agree with you Lenny to me no problem asking what is legal to ride in Nov in both WI & MI....What is the big deal if legal & the type of riding one likes then by all means you have the right to ride within those legal parameters. Also Ma & Pa who support snowmobiling could make a few bucks with a legal early season for break in miles or whatever riding one wnats to do legally. We all have to coexist on trails & in forests pursuing ones passion why is this any different? Name calling is foolish & one should not impose their will on others but be opened minded to their opinions & legal rights...seems like my way or the highway approach to life. :rolleyes:


Active member
This is predominantly a snowmobiling site. I guess night riding and riding from 11 - 2 might somehow spook and relocate that old 30 point buck, but it might send him under your stand. Don't hunt near a MI ORV trail, hunt private land only, or hunt in WI. As far as riding now, it's not even gun season yet. Ride 'em if you can (legally).
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Attak man

New member
If I remember Michigan trails are ORV trails..so some of them are open year round...these are mainly railrode grades...owned by the state of michigan (not private property owners)...they do not cross lakes either....so as long as you have a sticker ...they are legal to ride....When I lived in South Range...I was told we could ride at night...until after hunting season....I see no problem with people riding on state owned trails at night...it is legal.


New member
It's about consideration and respect for hunters and property owners, an ethic that's apparently lost on many nowadays.
It's legal to catch and eat a musky too, but out of respect for the sport and its future, I practice catch and release.
Show some restraint - or not. Be a heathen if it suits you, or show some class. JMO. Enough said, I'm out.

I duno. I hunt and sled. If its legal to sled, the hunter shouldnt be mad at the sledder, should be mad at the law. Now come rifle season I hope the sledders respect the hunters and the law.

I also musky fish, thats a whole other can of worms. But not sure u can compare that to legal sledding. We all know the benefits of catch and release and selective harvest, just have to look at ontario and minnesota, just seems wisconsin is stuck in the 60s in that regard.


Of course, the original News report IS about Wisconsin, so those of you arguing about Michigan are wasting your ink.

Yes, I was going to make that point in my post but got sidetracked. I understand what applies to the UP, may not necessarily apply to northern WI, as the UP is far my rural and isolated. Don't really care what you "rubes" in the UP do, as I don't ride there anyway. (JK - lighten up) I just wouldn't be riding any trails right now unless it was private land that I knew didn't have any hunters using it, so as to avoid potential conflict. That's just me showing respect for a sport I can empathize with, I understand not all may agree. I question why anyone would unnecessarily antagonize another sportsmen, but I'm a bit more sensitive to the issue because I hunt myself. I have talked to a couple of guides I've used for fishing and hunting, and most of them have zero use for snowmobiles and get pretty defensive about it, so I've heard their objections. The reactions I've got when I try to talk to them has me avoiding the subject now - I don't bring it up anymore.

Here's another case in point, a few years ago I was riding Fisher Lake area as the folks had a place on that lake on the east end. I had to ride 2 miles to access 19B, via road or ditch depending on conditions. One particular land owner didn't obviously care for sleds as he had erected a primative by non-formidable barrier to keep people from crossing his driveway. Now I know I legally have access to the ditch and can cross his driveway, but I chose to drive around his barrier, even though I could have easily rode it over and been on my way. Why would I unnecessarily antagonzie somebody and provoke a conflict with a guy just down the road? I just wouldn't do it, but that's me, as I have some sensitivity to other peoples property and beliefs. I may not agree with them, but I can show respect.

A few years ago I had my driveway sealed right before winter, now of course we're talking southern WI. Winter came and I had some local renegade kids running my ditch, spinning their tracks, and riding across my driveway - pushing the boundary limits of legality. I was worried about stud damage, AND the culvert tube that was right there, so I put a couple of poles in the snow hoping they would drive around them. Guess what - they didn't. They chose to run the poles over purposely, so I called the cops. Cops told me I had to allow access, so nothing I could do. It was legal, sure, but that didn't mean they should do it! Why go looking for a conflict where a simple solution would suffice? But I do understand most in this world no longer have the same sense of ethics, morals or respect for their fellow man, so no doubt I'm wasting my time typing all this. I just thought it was a point worth making. Carry on and ride wherever you want, but don't be surprised if you end up in a conflict with some landowner. In the UP they may just settle things in their own "court of law" with a buckshot round, or arrow over the hood, as others have said. Maybe wear your flack jacket under the tek-vest, then you'll be fully prepared! LOL


fusion, the problem I see with your logic is how you connect the dots of riding legally in a area you know nothing about to an act or disrespect. I agree with what you are saying about avoiding conflict, it's a great practic. I would never run over poles by a driveway and am always respectful to landowners. Trucks and ATV's are riding up the trail grade 13 and will be till the first so for you to apply your logic is just so far from reasonable in assuming if we ride we are disrespecting someone,,,it's just not the case no matter how you look at it. If someone is hunting close to the trail than they ought not ever be allowed to hunt because cars and trucks, atv's and sledders are all using this designated trail for it's intended purpose. I'm just confused as how you connect these dots and start insulting people. Some hunters will be using sleds now with all this snow to get to camp so you in reality telling hunters to not ride,,come on buddy, look at it for what it is and understand not all areas are like what you are used to seeing. You did mention maybe this area is more rural but you still insist if someone rides a sleds they are morally bankrups, a heathen and whatever else you insulted many of us by saying


Well-known member
I firmly believe no hunter will fire an arrow or bullet at any snowmobiler during hunting season. To do so would be a crazy & sick thing to do. Of couse I prefer to think the best of my fellow man & think we all can get along just fine with min conflict. Fusion hug your kid or wife & they might hug you back life is not as black & white as you seem to think ...welcome a little gray into your life & chill out.


New member
I firmly believe no hunter will fire an arrow or bullet at any snowmobiler during hunting season. To do so would be a crazy & sick thing to do. Of couse I prefer to think the best of my fellow man & think we all can get along just fine with min conflict. Fusion hug your kid or wife & they might hug you back life is not as black & white as you seem to think ...welcome a little gray into your life & chill out.
Lmao. Dillusionary at best.
Prisons are full of people with good intentions. (Sarcasm). We all pretty much agree that many areas of the UP are sheltered from what really goes on in the rest of the state.


New member
Let's go all the way back to the first post. Yes the announcement may be a bit much for some. But the station gets a good Samaritan point by many for it. Some in here also would state that the "Don't drink and drive" campaign is ridiculous since they no longer have a license because of it.