Of course, the original News report IS about Wisconsin, so those of you arguing about Michigan are wasting your ink.
Yes, I was going to make that point in my post but got sidetracked. I understand what applies to the UP, may not necessarily apply to northern WI, as the UP is far my rural and isolated. Don't really care what you "rubes" in the UP do, as I don't ride there anyway. (JK - lighten up) I just wouldn't be riding any trails right now unless it was private land that I knew didn't have any hunters using it, so as to avoid potential conflict. That's just me showing respect for a sport I can empathize with, I understand not all may agree. I question why anyone would unnecessarily antagonize another sportsmen, but I'm a bit more sensitive to the issue because I hunt myself. I have talked to a couple of guides I've used for fishing and hunting, and most of them have zero use for snowmobiles and get pretty defensive about it, so I've heard their objections. The reactions I've got when I try to talk to them has me avoiding the subject now - I don't bring it up anymore.
Here's another case in point, a few years ago I was riding Fisher Lake area as the folks had a place on that lake on the east end. I had to ride 2 miles to access 19B, via road or ditch depending on conditions. One particular land owner didn't obviously care for sleds as he had erected a primative by non-formidable barrier to keep people from crossing his driveway. Now I know I legally have access to the ditch and can cross his driveway, but I chose to drive around his barrier, even though I could have easily rode it over and been on my way. Why would I unnecessarily antagonzie somebody and provoke a conflict with a guy just down the road? I just wouldn't do it, but that's me, as I have some sensitivity to other peoples property and beliefs. I may not agree with them, but I can show respect.
A few years ago I had my driveway sealed right before winter, now of course we're talking southern WI. Winter came and I had some local renegade kids running my ditch, spinning their tracks, and riding across my driveway - pushing the boundary limits of legality. I was worried about stud damage, AND the culvert tube that was right there, so I put a couple of poles in the snow hoping they would drive around them. Guess what - they didn't. They chose to run the poles over purposely, so I called the cops. Cops told me I had to allow access, so nothing I could do. It was legal, sure, but that didn't mean they should do it! Why go looking for a conflict where a simple solution would suffice? But I do understand most in this world no longer have the same sense of ethics, morals or respect for their fellow man, so no doubt I'm wasting my time typing all this. I just thought it was a point worth making. Carry on and ride wherever you want, but don't be surprised if you end up in a conflict with some landowner. In the UP they may just settle things in their own "court of law" with a buckshot round, or arrow over the hood, as others have said. Maybe wear your flack jacket under the tek-vest, then you'll be fully prepared! LOL