Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #171 (32,619)

Are you ready for snow?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 94.3%
  • No

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active member
Serena we are passing through on July 31st I'll bring the sleds for a quick ride.HAHAHA I am so ready for snow!!!! A riding we will go, A riding we will go!!! Wish you and Rob all the best, Living the DREAM!!! Ya I'm Jealous, Sorry posted it on the other one too


Active member
Hi All

Serena waaaaay cool!!!!! so happy for you guys

Been busy as heck here at the resort and busy is good!!! and its JAM making time too...I LOVE MAKING JAM...picking berries, red stained fingers, jars everywhere Ahhhhh life is good

we had a heavy dew the other morning and it looked like snow on the trees.. BTW I have a great imagination :D



New member
Congrats Serena. Best wishes.

What's all this talk of snow? Can't think of that when it's so hot and humid and there are nado watches and thunder storms in the forecast for later today. Just think if that rain was snow though. LOL



New member
Serena - congrats! how awesome is that? I guess I totally missed it in on FB??
Perhaps this means you'll be able to make a girls weekend next year ;) I hope!

Dave - I'm sitting here watching the clouds roll in and out - and just wonder if we will actually get this severe weather they are calling for. We had some rain this AM - dark clouds and all - but now the suns out again....... I don't want to go home if it's still as hot and humid as it was this AM! My AC in the car is out - and I haven't gotten around to figuring out what it's wrong......

Is it time to go home yet? I'm having a hard time concentrating on work today - dunno why - just don't want to be here!

So here's a couple pictures from the Black Hills trip we took with Ali and Scott and kids.

The donkey is on there just for Scott :D


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New member
Had a great time - sight seeing, wheeling, stayed at a 1800's style ranch - very cool place!


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New member
Andie, great pics holy moly it looks like y'all had fun!! Maybe... lets keep our fingers crossed it works out and I get to meet up with the JD Sled Chicks :)

Thanks Linda, Dave n Andie for the wishes! I'm very excited....
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New member
Congratz Serena on the job and the move. how great is that to LIVE there!So, you got my room set up for me? I cook! I clean! I fart! well, we can avoid the last one.

Andie, great pictures. that looked like fun. too bad I was not invited. But, I did enjoy watching you all, from the tree line, lol.

Hope everyone is doing good. hot and humid again ( how surprising) just watching some morning St. Andrews play going on. John Daly is 6 under! I know, **** froze a bit there.

My dad is doing much better. going to be a hand full. I had to take his motorcycle away from him. the old som bitch tried to figure out how to get on it, lol. cant walk good, and cant drive, but a quick motorcycle ride was in order? and most people think i'm nutz!



New member

Hey Folks!

Hope all is well.
Congratz Serena!
Great to see you're back RON! Your humor makes my day.
Not much going on here,... but Rain, Humidity, Mosquitos,... and Work.
Been pretty much on all midnights,... 12 to 16 hours,..
Job is going allright. Lost almost 4 inches in the beltline,.....
Just can't "catch up" on the rest.
Sorry for not "staying in touch" as much as I should,...
Its just that,... sometimes just "reading" the posts knocks me out! LOL!
Well,... I see the sun is out,... so on my day off,...
I better change the blades on the mower, and get my lawn bailed.
I can't remember the last time I seen this much rain in a summer.
Mosquitos sound like helicopters!
Have a GREAT WEEKEND Everyone!



New member
Yeah serena!!!

O M G! Congrats Serena and Rob! I am soooooooo happy for you!

You got a new job! You're gonna live in Gaylord! You so totally are living the dream! Way to go!


HI EVERYONE!!! Ron - damn it... you made me snort my Diet Dew...

HI VINNIE! Great job on the beltline!

So yeah... Jim came home the other day - bald. :eek: He shaved his head bald. :eek: I'm like DUDE - that's just not right. After a couple days.. it's like a pricker bush. Dork. Big ol' fat bowling ball head! :rolleyes:




New member
Serena! You need to get my number. Your in my neck of the woods now and we shall partake.

Have a great weekend all


Active member
Well friday I stopped at the meat market and picked up the pork butt's that I ordered on thur. figured they would be 12-14lbs I was wrong ended up being 19lbs so I had to rush home get the rub on them and get the smoker ready, put them on at 6pm friday and pulled them off yesterday at 5pm, 23 hrs. on the smoker was just about right, internal temp was spot on at 212 degrees when I pulled them off, the meat was nice and moist and just fell apart, they made fantasic barbecued pulled pork sandwiches for the family get together last nite. My cousin brought some 4" and 6" mortars that we set off as soon as it got dark, all in all a very good evening. Hope everyone is having a good weekend


New member
Hi everyone,

Big Vin my brother. Shedding some excess and keeping us safe. A great combination. Good to see ya bro.

Brad, that sounds so good. Sounds like fun was had by all, and the cook made the night. I wish I knew how to smoke food. Well, I do, but mine is followed by smoke detectors going off and my wife commenting on the jerky. Of coarse, it always starts as steak, haha.

Jules. If you main line diet dew, it hits the system faster. Snorting it is not good on the nasal cavity. Try it on a dog first, and watch the reactions!

Well, another day, another really bored person. I sit here daily in my little bubble, hoping for some form of action from a Dr. To make life fun again. I feel like my body is going to mush. I have to start physical therapy to learn how to work out, and keep in shape, without stressing anything that can swell up, or bleed. I have my idea’s, but then my wife rolls her eyes and giggles. Ladies, don’t giggle, it’s just not right.

Hope everyone is doing good, and the storms’ have not caused too much damage.



New member
Oh my goodness the layout of this site has changed!! Just wanted to pop in and say I miss talking to all of you out here. FB just isn't the same!!

Serena - what job? Where are you moving to?

Thomas "Huck" is almost 18 months old and keeping Brock and I super busy. Living on the west side of Indy now and Brock is loving his new job as an electrical lineman!

Hope to be back here more often!! : )



New member
4 days

Woot Woot Debwa is back!! Glad to see you Booboo :)

I got a job at Otsego Memorial Hospital in the Business Office department (medicaid biller). I've never billed before and they are willing to train me which makes me super excited to learn something new and hold on to it for my future endeavors. My last day downstate will be July 24th.. YYAAHHOOOOOO!!!

Squat.. Oh ya I'll IM ya with both of our #'s, we gotta ride together this season in the lower and get together before it starts snowing!!

Brad.. A riding we will go :)

Juls.. your advice was magicial :cool:

Ron.. your to funny!!

Thanks everyone for your wishes.
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