Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #182 (33,581)


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Keep us posted.
I logged tonight at work and this is the first I heard of this.
What happened?

God Bless Brian!
Speedy recovery.




Active member
BV, Squat is out of the hospital and back at home, he's banged up has alot of cuts, road rash, bruise's and swelling, he also may have a couple pinched disc's in his neck has some numbness in his hand. He had just left for a bike vacation in the Yoop, got into Wisconsin and a woman pulled out he swerved and she still hit the back of the bike or something to that effect, I'm sure he or KBoo will be on to tell just what happened, the bike is totaled


New member
Hey guys this is Kaboolie
Squat is in a lot of pain right now so i'm gonna do the typing. Plus he cant use the fingers on either hand very well.

The accident happened on Hwy 77 in Hayward Wisc... He only got a 160 miles from home on his 6 day trip. An elderly lady apparently didn't see him and was trying to cross the highway. He did see her and tried to head for the ditch knowing it was his best option, her car hit him in the saddle bags and of course sent both of them flying into the ditch. The bike then landed on top of him which we believe is what did most of the damage to him. It's going to take a couple of weeks for the swelling to go down to see if he'll need surgery on his radial nerve in his left forearm. A bulge between #4 & 5 vertebra in his neck are causing some tingling and numbness in his right hand, so same thing is to wait for the swelling to go down and see what happens. Lot's of swelling cuts, road rash and stitches on his hands and arms. He WAS wearing a helmet and that most definetly saved his life!!!
I'll keep you informed as we know more

Kaboolie & Squat


Thanks for the update. I am glad to hear he is at home and resting. Squat will be in my thoughts and prayers and I hope he has a full and speedy recovery.


New member

Thanks for the update Brad and Julie.
I contacted Julie when I heard and she kept me updated.
Very Scary.
Sometimes we can be as defensive as possible,...
but still have accidents.
The pictures show just as Julie described. Not too good. :(
LOTS of prayers are going out to you Brian!
I LOVE taking the bike out every day,.... but also worry
something like this can always happen at any moment.
But that is the life of owning a bike.
Everyone watch out,.... Out there!

Thanks for the updates!


Sorry to hear of your accident Squat,glad it wasnt any worse,hope you have a speedy recoverey!Thoughts and prayers comin your way.


New member
Hey everyone this is Kaboolie. Still working on Squats recovery. We've seen the neurologist and more tests are needed. So again hurry up and wait. He has good times during the day and then things go bad for no reason and it goes to sh*t. The one bad thing the neurologist said is she didn't think he'd be able to ride this winter, but then again she doesn't know Squat!! lol We have more tests on Sept 4th with the results on the 11th so everyone keep your fingers crossed, and keep your eyes open for a 1994 Harley Electra Glide Classic in excellent condition. He would like the same bike which was black with red and orange pin strip. I know good luck finding another one.

Kaboolie & Squat


New member
Hi Brad!! Was wondering if everyone fell off the face of the earth. Nothing exciting going on here either, well at least not fun that's for sure!!


New member
800etec, Squats getting better day by day. He's working hard on his PT, they gave him a cortezone shot in his shoulder this morning so he can lift his arm up and work on it more. There hoping by doing more PT on it he won't have to have surgery, another wait and see.
Unfortunatley riding this winter is out of the question and he's not happy about that. He was hoping to be back to work the beginning of November but it looks like it won't be until January at the earliest. He's getting frustrated and sick and tired of doing nothing!! I'll keep you all posted.



Well Im glad to hear he is getting better.It always takes so long to recover.I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers!


Active member
Can't wait till Thur. VACATION!! IT'S THE LOOP THE YOOP COLOR RIDE WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO Sorry Squat wish you could go Brother, hopefully next year, we'll be missin ya
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New member
Oh sure Bradzoo make him cry!! lol He's gotten so bad that he bitches at the bikes as they drive by. Not sure what i'm gonna do with him!!


Active member
Kboo I sure do wish you guy's were goin with us, I been waitin all summer for this its my favorite time of the year to ride the bike, I think I'm gonna make it a yearly thing hopefully next year you guy's can go we'll be thinkin of ya


Guest you do this trip every year?How long is the trip?Do alot of people go?


Active member you do this trip every year?How long is the trip?Do alot of people go?

We started it last year but the weather turned crappy and we had to leave a day and a half late, so we never made it to the UP we just made a Loop of the lower, So this year will be the 1st year so far the weather is looking promising, the number going is still up in the air, I'm not limiting the amount of people, the idea is to take a nice easy ride around the Yoop staying at Mom and Pop place's if possible. I've got it planned to run about 250 mile days but no set places to stay as I don't want to be on a rigid schedule, if it goes ok this year and more people want to go next year we may have to have set places to stay. We will be in the western Yoop friday evening if you want to meet up with us, Sat, up to Copper Harbor and back down to around Baraga, Sunday lunch in Marquette then H-58 from Munising to Grand Marais and over to Paradise, Monday head home.


That sounds like a good time Brad. I have to work this weekend but thanks for the offer.Some day i hope to meet you and the other people on this site.