Late January 2019. Thursday through Sunday stay at some cabins on Lake Namakagan Wisconsin. Pretty cold weather that weekend. Around -35 at night, daytime not sure if it got above 0. The cabins we were staying in had either electric or water baseboard heat, log style construction. They were not warm or efficient. So night we got a big fire going in the big fireplace, thought, that'll warm us up. Not. We watched the thermostat display in the cabin keep on dropping, it got down into the low 50's in the cabin. Every gap/door/window we were pulling in cold air from outside and up the chimney it went, we had frost everywhere. In hindsight we probably needed to adjust the flue. Also poking around the cabin, "why isn't it getting warm in here?", I went into the utility closet and found the water heater, the exhaust pipe on the natural vent water heater was completely displaced sideways and the water heater exhaust/carbon monoxide was going right into the closet. Wrong decision in hindsight but I slammed the door and figured "F it......we are pulling enough fresh air into the cabin through all the nooks and crannies!" That Sunday morning firing up the vehicles, still at least 30 below, the HVAC malfunctioned on my truck. Blower motor running wide open, and climate control display seemed dead. Didn't risk touching it and losing heat all together. Tacked a trip onto the end of this trip with another group, so drove from Namakagan to Mass City with my windows open, below zero and blowing lake effect from Iron Belt all the way to Mass.
Then basing out of Mass (Adventure Motel) planning to stay until Wednesday, great riding, Tuesday we headed down to Sidnaw/Kenton and stopped at Hoppys, gosh I miss Jane and her snarky mouth, she asked where we were headed and we said Bergland to get some BBQ, and in her classic way basically chewed us out and said we were nuts, haven't we seen the storm warnings (more heavy blowing LES)? We figured AHH, we are sledders, we can handle it! So we headed west. Busted powder from Ewen to Bergland, got to JW's for some lunch. Sitting in JW's at times couldn't see the houses on the other side of M28. We were planning to go to Lake of the Clouds that day then back to Mass. Finally got smart and decided to cut Lake of the Clouds, and take the most direct route back to Mass, this was getting bad. Took 13 to Rockland. OK when we were in the woods, but got on top of some of the higher ground open highline areas and around victoria dam road, couldn't see 10-15 feet, everything was white. Practically had to feel my way along the edge of the groom from marker to marker, very slow going, bumper to bumper to stay together. Made it back to Mass/Adventure, only to see the sheriff in the parking lot, this was the day that Don (adventure motel co-proprietor) passed. It was early afternoon Tuesday, and I figured I had time to load up and get home to Oshkosh before the conditions got even worse for the drive home the next morning. Oddly enough the first 1-2 hours were the best conditions driving, decent roads and LES tapering further I got south. Then from Eagle River all the way home the roads were terrible, all hard pack snow/ice from the storm that blew through central/north wisconsin a couple days prior during the beginning of my trip and made the roads a mess with the very cold weather. I think it took almost 6 hours to get home, again, windows open heat blowing on high (normally 4 hr trip).
A mix of good and bad memories on this one.....Adventure hasn't been the same since, man do I miss Nancy's breakfasts and hospitality. Though it was a bit of a blessing in disguise for her, finally being able to sell after that and move back down state to be by her family. That old Don was stubborn, but fun to sit with in the cafe and catch up with.
Turns out the blower motor controller failed on my truck HVAC and defaulted to wide open, glad the engineers did that one right. I was afraid to change any HVAC settings once it failed risking no heat. Blower even ran on high when I shut the truck off, had to pull the fuse every time I stopped somewhere.