Oneida County 2-24-25


Active member
Vilas is re-opening at 8am on Friday. The open water is in the south bay of Lake Minocqua, by the bowling alley side of lake.
Barrels are still on the lake.


Well-known member
Now this is really stupid. The Co is open accept for the lazy clubs. How can we fracture our system this bad. Might as well send me a ticket. We’re riding.
LAZY CLUBS??? How stupid are you?? We've had 4 crews cutting and brushing since the storm ended....lots of trees down, and some serious wet areas (from the rain before the snow)'s ignorance like this that absolutely pisses me off....GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE and start brushing...CLOWN!!!

old abe

Well-known member
LAZY CLUBS??? How stupid are you?? We've had 4 crews cutting and brushing since the storm ended....lots of trees down, and some serious wet areas (from the rain before the snow)'s ignorance like this that absolutely pisses me off....GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE and start brushing...CLOWN!!!
Perfect attakman! As they say, 'There is no fix for stupid!'


New member
LAZY CLUBS??? How stupid are you?? We've had 4 crews cutting and brushing since the storm ended....lots of trees down, and some serious wet areas (from the rain before the snow)'s ignorance like this that absolutely pisses me off....GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE and start brushing...CLOWN!!!


Active member
I’ve been doing many hours of trail clearing, sign fixing, etc…. I certainly did not mean to upset you. It’s just “strange” to me that all but a few areas of the Co are ready for this most likely last weekend of the year.


Well-known member
I’ve been doing many hours of trail clearing, sign fixing, etc…. I certainly did not mean to upset you. It’s just “strange” to me that all but a few areas of the Co are ready for this most likely last weekend of the year.
There is nothing strange about it....we had Wednesday night , and Thursday to brush 275 miles of trails...some trails looked like a tornado went through, so many downed trees that it was impassible....hours and hours of work, an impossible task to get done in a day and a half (they gave us until 8AM today to clear it )....even the cruisers are out this morning trying to clear a bad area on the fact all of the clubs in oneida county have some tree damaged areas and water holes they are trying to correct as we speak(some worse than others)....we should just be thankful we are able to get another weekend of riding in.


Well-known member
Seems like with the wind and then heavy snow took its toll on the trees. Thank you to all the club members who have been out there busting there rear ends to get trails open for a couple of more days. Wish I was up there to pitch ini but unfortunately have to do that work thing so I can afford to come up there and relax.


Active member
Yes, thank you for all of the extra effort to get things opened up. Volunteers are so appreciated. It looks like the groomer has run from Minocqua down to Pinewood Country Club.


Active member
LAZY CLUBS??? How stupid are you?? We've had 4 crews cutting and brushing since the storm ended....lots of trees down, and some serious wet areas (from the rain before the snow)'s ignorance like this that absolutely pisses me off....GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE and start brushing...CLOWN!!!
While I didn't care for his "lazy clubs" reference, it shouldn't give you comfort in personal attacks like stupid, ignorant and clown. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Ranting does no good for your club or the sport overall. If the work is getting to you, take a break. Volunteers should only contribute up to their comfort level or they risk burnout.


Well-known member
While I didn't care for his "lazy clubs" reference, it shouldn't give you comfort in personal attacks like stupid, ignorant and clown. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Ranting does no good for your club or the sport overall. If the work is getting to you, take a break. Volunteers should only contribute up to their comfort level or they risk burnout.
Yes....calling the clubs "LAZY" pissed me's not the work that's getting to's the people...snowmobilers are not what they used to be....I have seen more entitled snobs, and arrogant jerks this year than ever's sickening...believe me...I've asked myself repeatedly...Do I need to dedicate my free time to make trails rideable and safe for folks like that? I will be thinking about it this entire offseason, and will make a decision before next fall. I can tell you..I'm not the only one who feels this way....Our sport is being over run by selfish jerks..and it's sad to watch

Rupp Collector

Active member
Yes....calling the clubs "LAZY" pissed me's not the work that's getting to's the people...snowmobilers are not what they used to be....I have seen more entitled snobs, and arrogant jerks this year than ever's sickening...believe me...I've asked myself repeatedly...Do I need to dedicate my free time to make trails rideable and safe for folks like that? I will be thinking about it this entire offseason, and will make a decision before next fall. I can tell you..I'm not the only one who feels this way....Our sport is being over run by selfish jerks..and it's sad to watch
It's not only in snowmobiling, it's everywhere!


Well-known member
All of us old guys grew up doing this as a family sport....and we had the "family" feeling out riding with friends and club members...that has's become a rich person, spoiled kid sport (there are 16 year old kids riding newer, nicer sleds than I have)...unfortunately snowmobiling isn't affordable for the average family's too expensive, and it's why Yamaha is gone, and Cat is teetering on the's a dying sport.....well...enough of the doom and gloom...I'm going to head out and ride the next three days and enjoy what's left of our's most likely done come get out and ride if you can