Packers & 49ers: Thoughts?


Active member
Thinking u meant weather shouldn't be an advantage.
The whole weather thing these days don't hold up like it used too. We've lost too many home games to southern teams starting 10 years ago or so with the Michael Vick and the Falcons. I just don't buy the cold thing anymore giving us an advantage. Yes home field is huge advantage but weather,,,ehhh.
Neither the cold, the snow, the fans nor the home stadium play football. We've lost too many games because everyone (maybe even the Packers team) think that one of the above will play and win the game. The team has to show up and they have to play to win.
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Well-known member
Neither the cold, the snow, the fans nor the home stadium play football. We've lost too many games because everyone (maybe even the Packers team) think the one of the above will play and win the game. The team has to show up and they have to play to win.
I concur 100%


Super Moderator
Staff member
If the Packers practiced outside in the cold, maybe we would have that advantage, but, they don't, so, no advantage if it's cold.


Well-known member
All I know is I have tickets so Go Pack Go!! We went two years ago to the playoff game against Seattle and it was also a night game. It started to snow in the 4th qtr so that just made it more fun. Except for driving in bumper to bumper traffic at 35 MPH all the way back to wausau where we were staying.


Well-known member
Say, can you see
By the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed
At the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars
Through the perilous fight
O'er the ramparts we watched,
Were so gallantly, yeah, streaming?
And the rockets' red glare
The bombs bursting in air
Gave proof through the night
That our flag was still there
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave


Active member
Warner's already a go and it'll take an act of Congress for the Niners to keep Bosa off the field.

Luckily concussions are taken care of by a independent Dr not attached to the organization. They said since he did not even take the field yesterday to practice it will be a up hill battle to be cleared by Sat. I guess there many steps you have clear and retest and practicing is the very first step then takes 4-7 days to clear once you practice the first time. My gut says he will play but who knows. Also reporting yesterday Jimmy G injury may actually be more serious then first report.


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Staff member
The more I see and read on the subject, if we can limit their running game (a big if) and make Jimmy G. throw with a bum shoulder and sore thumb, I think we win this one. Oh, and the colder the better for those nursing injuries for the Niners. It looks like the Pack will be their healthiest they've been all year. So we got that going for us, which is nice.


Packer fan but last 15 playoff games with Rodgers Pack record is 7-8, and 0-4 since 2011 in NFC Champ games. Time for good ole Aaron to take it to the next level and get them to his second Super bowl, or be like soo many others who were great regular season players with only 1 Super Bowl. .

49ers are rolling and physical, so...let the games begin! Pack should have the weather advanatge at least living in and being used to the cold weather, but not sure any athletes anymore like playing in the cold, regardless of what they say!


Bakhtiari is back on the practice field, Randall Cobb is in, Billy Turner is good to go and linebacker Devondra Campbell is ready. Light it up guys. Make this one a statement.

old abe

Well-known member
Bakhtiari is back on the practice field, Randall Cobb is in, Billy Turner is good to go and linebacker Devondra Campbell is ready. Light it up guys. Make this one a statement.
Yeah, well, then there is absolutely no Warranted Excuses, for anything outside of a WIN, eh


There are very few pro football players that haven't played in ' the cold ' at some point in their careers. This is an overblown bunch of nothing. Especially considering the Pack record as of late. The biggest advantage the Pack has is they didn't play last weekend. They should be well prepared.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I think maybe the difference is, "we live in it". We feel it every morning when we walk out, the Niners don't. Yeah, I think "the cold" has been over used in the media and among fans but when it's below zero, it gets your attention.

I recall a game, I think it was in 96 at Lambeau. Muddy, cold, miserable weather with the Niners in the playoffs. They lost and they couldn't wait to get out of this Hellish Place. You could see it on their faces and you could see it in the way they played. The weather made a difference that day. But they still have to play the game, we'll see soon enough if it makes a difference.

old abe

Well-known member
I think maybe the difference is, "we live in it". We feel it every morning when we walk out, the Niners don't. Yeah, I think "the cold" has been over used in the media and among fans but when it's below zero, it gets your attention.

I recall a game, I think it was in 96 at Lambeau. Muddy, cold, miserable weather with the Niners in the playoffs. They lost and they couldn't wait to get out of this Hellish Place. You could see it on their faces and you could see it in the way they played. The weather made a difference that day. But they still have to play the game, we'll see soon enough if it makes a difference.
I say the Will to Win is a big factor, no matter the team!


Will to win is coaching job. Coaching screwed it up for them last year. If they blow it this year I will bet it will be because of coaching again.