Packers vs Lions-Thanksgiving 2011!


These refs better start calling a better game !! WOW where did some of these calls come from ? Going both ways.



New member
Was the Lions quarterback color blind ?? He had more interceptions than........! Oh well, better stop while I'm ahead.


Well-known member
What the heck is Schwartz teaching his guys??? NFL field of play is no place for brutal thuggary. Sue should be suspended until he promises to play within rules. So talented but misdirected. Lovie would make a superstar out of Sue but Schwartz makes Sue look bush & out of control. Really sad for a young guy with so much to offer.:)


Well-known member
It was the head pounding that got them the penalty, it was the stomping on him that got the ejection. It will be interesting to see if the NFL penalizes him any further. But, I am surprised a the outcome, I would have bet it would have been a lot closer game.


Well-known member
Sure lets pound the guys head on the carpet then stomp on him cause he made a good play on you! lol Sue will miss 1 or 2 games for his actions after the commish is done with him & that means no pay as well. Schwartz would be my man to pick & discover talent ....head coach not so sure unless he can get himself & team under control. If I was Schwartz team meeting would be in order on Friday & team fines for anyone playing dirty or I line up next guy on depth chart.


Well-known member
I agree with the idea of team fines, and he should get one. But how much of a fine will make an impact on a guy who makes to much money playing a game. A 20 grand fine to him is like a speeding ticket to us. To make an impact on a guy like this you really have to hit them hard. How about $100,000, that might make him think twice next time before doing something like that. And if not, double it next time.


Well-known member
The team has to keep moral up so fines within reason but sends a message. The Commish already has eye on Sue so Sue knows he is in TROUBLE. Game suspensions means no pay for games missed which is huge $$$ for Sue. Lets say Commish suspends Sue for 3-5 games & whole league gets the message. Lions need him badly to get wild card berth but I don't think Commish will allow him to play & some type of suspension will happen. I blame Schwartz maybe Commish should fine & suspend him too then change will happen with entire team. If I can see Lions as team are out of control Commish can see the same thing & will act. I'm starting to have a problem with Schwartz not sure he is a championship prototype coach. For example Pats would never play D or O like that offender would be on the bench.


Guest about them Lions?
Lions - losers and pretenders, as opposed to legit.
Who's Next for the most dominant team in the NFL, winners of 17 straight?


Well-known member
Did you see Suhs explanation of the whole ordeal? He really must think we are all idiots.
That head ramming was just trying to get up, and the foot stomping was just trying to step away.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Lions DT Ndamukong Suh suspended 2 games. I think he got off cheap.

More like 2 1/2 games thrown out at half time. 3 games would have been 3 1/2 games & he would have beefed he was being singled out. 2 games about right maybe a little light but no one got hurt............This time!