Your right the bears fired lovie smith. However I gurantee you, having been a long time bears fan the management, coaching, players and even us fans will come up with a list of "excuses" to try and justify the the problems, whatever problems arise next year. Its the nature of it.
Really when it all comes down to it, coaching isssues, injury issues, player depth/execusion issues, is really all just a bunch of "would a, could a, should a" BS regardless whether it comes out a a coaches mouth or fans mouth. The bottom line is the team that as a whole is better coached, has better depth, better a playing through injuries, better management, better player exexusion, ect, ect is the better team and ussually the team that ends up in the championship game. I MEAN JUST LOOK AT THE PACKERS WHEN THE WON THE SUPER BOWL JUST A COUPLE YEARS AGO. All those things describe that team to the letter. If it really were as simple as to not knowing how to defend a running QB? We'll if that was the case, as some of you have mentioned eventually somebody will defensively figure how to do so. Does that mean if it is any other defensive coordinator ohter than Capers figures it out that they (the packers) are still be better team (as a whole, not just defensive coach)? Clearly the answer to that would have to be "no" that the packers aren't the better team or they would have been the one to stop it.
Im just saying you Win as a Team, you lose as a Team... When the Packers won the super bowl TONS of things were wrong and against them that year. The perserveerd and won the super bowl. At that time in History they were the better team, Right now, Maybe not so much
look I didnt mean to offend any packer fans at all. Sorry if i did.... I was just trying to relate that I believed there to be a likeness in some of the issues facing the Pack and my Team the Bears.
And not for one minute am I going to try and argue the Bears are better, or the Packers better look out next year.... No Way.... While I dont like the Pack, I am very enveous as a whole or the packer talent, the ability to recognize and develop talent, Rodgers the best QB in league, so on and so on....