Jeeezzzz, c'mon Kris, at least give him the proper tools! A crescent wrench? Has he figured out how to make that thing carve a little easier?
Jeeezzzz, c'mon Kris, at least give him the proper tools! A crescent wrench? Has he figured out how to make that thing carve a little easier?
John, Zim, Tech and Ryan - For a freezie pop and juice box, I'm sure he can be convinced to wrench on anything!
Skylar and Indy - Give the kid a break!! The plastic B&D crescent wrench was the best thing that fit in his tool box. Give him a little credit for picking the closest tool! The next option was either the wood saw or hammer! haha.
Wayne - Bingo to the duct tape and WD-40!
JR - It's amazing what they pick up when watching you isn't it?