I just had to chime in again after my above posts.. As i sit and grin at the under-stump Stack pulled off it was awesome... All I remember is that Mezz and I were up top and Stack was taking a round about way,(that should only have taken him 10 more seconds or so) and Mezz and I both looked at each other with a "Where's Stack" nod and we then killed the engines....Then we heard nothing but nature itself... We yelled and got some sort of weird answer as stack was only a couple of hundred yards away but couldn't see each other.. Some sort of answer like ahhh, I'll be out soon, or up there when I can.....Mezz and I immediately new there was a chance at a photo op at someone's expense...We flew down through the sticks came to a small clearing and couldn't believe what we saw... I was the one who snapped the pic's and I still laugh when I think about it...And I still don't know how he did it.<font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> was easy to miss and hard to hit...