Pickled Eggs


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Thirteen Pickeled Egg Recipes from MTU Alumni Relations

I guess I've been neglecting my duties; I finally found the time to look these up. Enjoy! :D

From Alumni Relations at Michigan Tech: Pasties, Pickled Eggs & Beer.

Local Recipes:
1. Bruce's B&B-Style Pickled Eggs
2. Ruprick's Boat House
3. B&B Style Pickled Eggs
4. Dave Parker's
5. Brad & Kelly's
6. Theresa's
7. Jim McDougall's - Milwaukee (that's local?)
8. Jim's
9. Delt Sigs' (Delrue, Putt, Boyer)
10. Brian's Yooper Fire Eggs
11. Mother's Kitchen (Cynthia Hodges)

International Recipes:
1. Scottish
2. Bebe's Mexican

<hr size="2" width="75%">And by the way:
Q: How do you boil eggs?
A: You don't!

Hard cooked (not boiled!) eggs:
1. Do NOT BOIL the EGGS! Boiling eggs makes them tough and rubbery, and causes that ugly green layer that can form around the yolk.
2. Use eggs that are at least 3 - 5 days old. Eggs that are too fresh are difficult to peel!
In fact it is better to use eggs nearing their expiration date.
3. Bring your eggs to room temperature before cooking; let 'em sit at room temperature for 20 to 30 minutes.
4. Use a sauce pan with a tight fitting lid, one that is large enough to hold the eggs in a single layer -- no "stacking"!
5. Place eggs in the pan in a single layer, add enough cold water to cover the eggs by about an inch.
6. Do not add salt to the water.
The salt will raise the boiling point of the water making the egg whites rubbery.
7. Over high heat, bring the water just to a rapid boil. Then turn off the fire!
8. Remove the pan from the heat and let it stand, covered with a tight fitting lid, for 15-17 minutes ("large" eggs).
9. Gently transfer the eggs to a bowl of ice water, don't beak 'em! Let 'em sit in the ice water for 10 minutes.
10. If you are not ready to proceed with the pickled egg recipe, remove the eggs from the ice water, dry them gently, and store the hard cooked, unpeeled eggs in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Peeling hard cooked eggs:
1. Crack the eggs under water, this helps to loosen the membrane under the shell.
2. Start peeling at the large end (where the air pocket is), and remove the shell under running water.
3. Be sure you remove the membrane with the shell.
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New member
Sorry Nash, We, yes WE Mrsbear and me can not let you in on this one. The Paulding light egg has yet to reach the super market shelfs. I have one egg left.


New member
Glow in the dark? That is an idea. I am doing the eggers dozen (7 eggs) that is what fits in the jars I have in stock. The sad part is shelf life. Not sure on that and the soulution is a bit murky. Working on it. will report, but may take a month or two. All proto type eggs have been consumed as of this typing.


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The best pickling solution I have found is Crown Royal !


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Glow in the dark? That is an idea. I am doing the eggers dozen (7 eggs) that is what fits in the jars I have in stock. The sad part is shelf life. Not sure on that and the soulution is a bit murky. Working on it. will report, but may take a month or two. All proto type eggs have been consumed as of this typing.

did some research....the eggs shelf life should be about 6 months and the cloudyness could be from an egg with a little of the yoke exposed. I read it is very important to check the eggs before putting them in, maybe this will help
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New member
Time to pickle some eggs again. (got wife boiling 3 dozen for me). Mrs. Runningbear, I am using your recipe but with pickling spice. The last batch went fast around here.