Polaris shift


New member
Is this really possible that by idling for to long it you will create a hole in your belly pan? This is what Polaris is telling me. If so what is the maximum amount of idle time you can have before this happens? Ridiculous!!!!


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Well-known member
How long do you let it sit and idle? I mean, anything more than a minute or two would be excessive. Not sure about creating a hole but just saying.


New member
That doesn't seem right. So are you covered under the Polaris warranty and now they won't replace the belly pan because you let it idle 'too long?'


Well-known member
I let my sled idle 10 minutes sometimes. Never had a problem. I don't touch the throttle until the sled is fully warmed up.


New member
I let my sled idle 10 minutes sometimes. Never had a problem. I don't touch the throttle until the sled is fully warmed up.

I do the same. I never even looked in the belly pan to see if it melted a hole. I've never heard of that even happening from idling. My buddy has a 900 Fusion with an aftermarket exhause and he put a nice hole in his belly pan.


Is this really possible that by idling for to long it you will create a hole in your belly pan? This is what Polaris is telling me. If so what is the maximum amount of idle time you can have before this happens? Ridiculous!!!!

Unfortunately, that is what happens if you let the sled run/idle too long setting in snow and there isn't enough of an open area for the exhaust to exit.

Had the same thing happen on my '10 Shift, would let it idle until the temp gauge showed like 70-80 before taking off.

My dealer nor Polaris wouldn't warranty it.


Holy Cow,

I just looked at my 09 that I purchased last year, I have just under 1k and have a hole as well, I have a warranty until this Feb, I was also told to watch my temp guage and make sure it gets up to 70-80 degrees. Something about cold scoring of the jugs when you take off with out letting them warm up, I will be pissed it they don't fix mine. This is an issue if lots of people have the same issue, I also have a 03 XCSP that I let warm up without any issues, so whats changed. If they won't honor a warranty, thats fine I just won't give them any more of my money.


I'd be really surprised if you guys can get it covered under warranty, great if you can.

I never experienced a problem with my other Polaris sleds-Indy, Edge chassis, or my '08 Shift.

On the '08 Shift, it didn't have a temp gauge, so I probably rode off before the exhaust temp got hot enough to do any damage, but on the '10 I religiously waited until the temp gauge showed 70-80 degrees, and it may have happened when setting off-trail idling with no place for the hot exhaust to go if the snow surrounded the outlet.


New member
Unfortunately, that is what happens if you let the sled run/idle too long setting in snow and there isn't enough of an open area for the exhaust to exit.

Had the same thing happen on my '10 Shift, would let it idle until the temp gauge showed like 70-80 before taking off.

My dealer nor Polaris wouldn't warranty it.

That's crazy. I let mine go above 100 most of the time. I wonder if mine has a hole in it.


ok so I asked a couple of my polaris riding buddies and they have also heard of this problem. To all please check your sleds, and if we all have the same problem then I can say this is not an isolated case, here is the proof and fix it or I'll walk away pissed, lol. Ok I would like to know if others are have the same problem.


Also I know the guage says 70-80 but what would be the real exhaust temp, also what type of plastic is used to make that part. I like to have facts before calling the big wigs
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If you can't get it taken care of under warranty, just looking at an online parts source, all new parts to replace that plastic section (fender as its called) is around $180, not including labor), I'd look at fabricating a heat shield for that area-maybe one on the inside and one on the bottom to cover the hole.

Even if you would replace the parts, what is going to keep it from happening again?


Well-known member
no whole

i let my rmk get to 125 before i move but have a slp pipe & can does your can have a leak ?


Geez, I had an 07 IQ LX CFI and I would warm it up, but I would ALWAYS watch the temp gauge and never leave it unattended.
You gotta be pretty impatient to do that. Stand around for a few minutes and smell some of that fragrant 2-stroke exhaust for gosh sakes. WTH?


Well-known member
If you can't get it taken care of under warranty, just looking at an online parts source, all new parts to replace that plastic section (fender as its called) is around $180, not including labor), I'd look at fabricating a heat shield for that area-maybe one on the inside and one on the bottom to cover the hole.

Even if you would replace the parts, what is going to keep it from happening again?

I agree probably just happen again if replaced without poo engineering recall. Fab a nice heat shield yourself to cover hole & you have the cure. Maybe Poo could do this but who needs the corporate fight & headache?