producing existing domestic energy


Well-known member
He makes good sense to me, ND is doing its part, our oil production has increased by over 250,000 barrels per day in the last few years and we have a record amount of rigs drilling new wells at this time (200 rigs as of today). It seems like the federal government would like to slow it down or stop it sometimes, and then they complain about importing oil.


I like his line "We've done nothing in this Congress to relieve this problem".

Or any other problem, as far as I can tell.


is it really as simple as this guy states, it may just be. If it is, a bunch of people need to be fired

Deleted member 10829


He sure makes a lot of sense to me, but there aren't enough like him in Congress these days! ND is a great example what going after our natural resources can do for an area, yet you don't really see much coverage from our wonderful media. From everything I've read, the economy is thriving up there and good paying jobs are plentiful. Seems like a wonderful story the media should want to cover.


I agree but you cannot get a balanced report from any media, even B.O. on fox slants right noticeable. There's always an agenda or world view that drives a subtle point. I do not know if it's always been that way or not but certainly is discouraging.

We have a divided congress that is a poor example to this country. It is sad to see the state we are in.

Look at Shaun Hannity (fox) or Chris Mathews (msnbc) always spewing rhetoric or sarcasm contributing greatly to the divide, how do you fix that?

Deleted member 10829

I agree but you cannot get a balanced report from any media, even B.O. on fox slants right noticeable. There's always an agenda or world view that drives a subtle point. I do not know if it's always been that way or not but certainly is discouraging.

That's my point. I don't mind the Hannity's and Matthews of the world, but it would be nice to get some unbiased news from the national channels like ABC, CBS and NBC, like decades ago. You can bet if there is an oil spill or bad news out of that same ND area, we will hear no end of it and why we shouldn't be there and how terrible it is. Very frustrating for sure.


Well-known member
He skimmed over the main reason this isn't being done, and it is the same people that want to take away our sport, as snowmobile enthusiasts.

The environmentalists. All I want to know is what vehicle, and mode of transportation those same environmentalists are using today. My guess would be less than one tenth of one percent could say something other than an oil driven vehicle.

DRILL TODAY, and be less dependent on foreign oil/energy TOMORROW.


Look at Shaun Hannity (fox) or Chris Mathews (msnbc) always spewing rhetoric or sarcasm contributing greatly to the divide, how do you fix that?

I think you live with it. What is worrisome to me is that this has now given rise to the "celebrity politician" (Palin, Huckabee, Gingrich, others), whereby a politician leaves public office and becomes a talking head, then decides to run again based upon their celebrity status granted to them by FOX or MSNBC.

Celebrity does not equal effective.


I think you live with it. What is worrisome to me is that this has now given rise to the "celebrity politician" (Palin, Huckabee, Gingrich, others), whereby a politician leaves public office and becomes a talking head, then decides to run again based upon their celebrity status granted to them by FOX or MSNBC.

Celebrity does not equal effective.

the above mentioned are not a drop in the bucket compared to all Hollywood and the impact they have on the general public. They are portrayed as important people and people listen to them. Most of them very far to the left and oh so influential on younger people who look up to that status. I certainly identify myself with the conservative base yet cringe when I hear Hannity refer to B.O as the "anointed one" or many on the right refer to the president as Mr.Obama. The Mr crap started when GW was in office, as far as I can remember. Like any president or not but at least respect the office. Respect is at an all time low, division at an all time high and we are reaping what we sow. I know the divide has always been there but partisanship is the norm these days
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New member
Remember that this representative is from Alaska, and has an agenda.

What he doesn't say is that oil is sold on a world market, not national. Price is set by bidders all over the globe.

So you drill in your backyard, hit oil and sell it on the world market. Remember that China bought more buick's than did the whole USA.

India is also taking on huge oil demands giving the USA a run for the title BIGGEST oil user title.

Factor in countries in the middle east who can control price by pulling back on current production....spigot gets turned down a bit.

Now realize that the remaining refineries, increase or decrease production of fuels from the oil depending upon is no surprise that if the price goes down based upon demand, production goes down too. Over supply brings on lower prices so why would any company build over supply and cause the price of fuel to go down?

While production can increase jobs, as has happened in ND, and that isn't bad, .....enough studies have been done to identify what would happen if we produce more oil supplies, and the net result is that the price of fuel would fall by a few nickles.

Now, if that well, or supply line, breaks and spills oil all over such as that which happened in Kalamazoo last year, spewing oil all over the place and stinking to high heaven....affecting home prices, drinking water and other related issues, is this still going to be the best idea for America?

My read on this is that we need direct competition to oil....bring on competition for any commodity and you have a real price capper.

We need CNG...yesterday. Utah residents already have this....stations that you can drive up to and fill with CNG and drive off. Switch on the dashboard is all that is necessary, and hand full of parts can convert your ride to using this stuf...IF the price of gasoline goes too high.

Why haven't we tried to get this going nationally?

A very rich CNG guy spent millions of his own money promoting CNG and lobbying congress....why was he not successful?

Why hasn't the PREZ pushed this alternative...which is 90% cleaner than dino fuels....???

We have all the clean burning Natural gas we need to use in cars and trucks in the USA without importing anywhere further away than Canada.

So why haven't we done that?

I am pretty sure I know why...but as long as we have tunnel vision and think that pumping more oil is the answer, we will never ever get any relief at the pump.

We need CNG, electric, and hydrogen along with gasoline to get the prices to correct. The longer we wait on that one, the sooner it would help America get out of this tail chase....soon it won't matter, because the 800 pound gorilla is getting restless and soon he will command all the fuel it wants, and we will just have to bargin for the scraps.


ah, it's a scam, I should have known. Who would have ever thought that we could supply an abundant natural resource to ourselves and impact our demand. All the work that Americans would have to do would be wasted. It wouldn't pay off because studies show we'd only save a few nickels, that's to bad!

Maybe we all should convert our vehicles to natural gas like you said so we can all pay for a costly mod. Makes no sense to convert when we have what we need with perto. If the average consumer would not resist the lefties we would not be driving IC engine vehicles. No one would be burning wood in stoves to heat their homes. All fire arms would be gone out of the hands of civilians. No one would be allowed to hunt to provide food for themselves. Sledding areas would diminish rapidly because they fear we damage land and air. It's endless what the far left suffocates the nation with. There is a movement sweeping across the globe and it's coming to a theatre near us, look out people. I have in-laws that are vicious lefts and set aside family for ideology, what a shame, I see it modeled in DC also.

Bottom line, everyone has a car. Drill and produce, increase supply. The nation is in no condition to continue to experiment with costly alternatives when we have what wee need but is bound up by fear. Did you ever think your little studies may be spun to fit an agenda?

I'm sure you'll site a bunch of info to refute my position but you just cannot fool me and defy common sense. I understand north is south these days, wrong is right, up is down but common sense is not stupid my friend. The lefties just need to get out of the way and let real people who are wise continue with proven abundant resources. Refine them and make them better, cleaner, faster, cheaper, and safer. No one is suggesting to get ride of the alternative energy ideas but rather let them continue to build without FORCING out good working energy. It's not as scary as you believe it is. Anyways,,,whatever

You and I are alike in a sense just the opposite I suppose. We are outspoken and persistent but that is a good thing to keep balance. Forums are tough place to see intent and often interpreted as offensive. Both sides are super frustrated and things get heated up. My frustration shows as I have just re-read my post.

Answer me this and be honest please. Are you worried about the planet. Do you want to see us sometime in the near future eliminate the use of fossil fuels, should it be top priority now?


Well-known member
This is a great discussion to read. My take on it is I've studied economics and think I understand global markets, but I think common sense may trump economic theory in this case. I can't see how oil prices would not respond very favorably if President Obama made a speech tonight stating that we are going to quit being the only country in the world that refuses to take advantage of its natural resources and that we are going all out in an effort to allow the private sector in this country the opportunity to develop our own energy resources, environmental-nazis be damned.

The following is a good take on economic theory:


Well-known member
oil oil oil ok what about re burning spent rods in the power plants they have been doing in in europe for yrs the Lefty's say no the rods are to radioactive then?
clean coal oh that is right B.O. says you can build the plant but you will go bankrupt from the heavy fines based on co2 output Nice very nice.
why cant we in the US have small diesel cars and trucks that can run on lots of diff bio fuels like the rest of the world? more far lest influenced EPA bs.
and lets not say it is just the OIL in ND fueling the boom. it is the tax structure that is really fueling Fargo tons of corps are moving to Fargo.I know a woman who is head of HR for CAT. she has been trying to fill over 200 manufacturing and machinist jobs for close to a yr cant get the workers.her friend works in HR for bobcat looking for over 100.I have a IT bud who just moved to Fargo. the corp he works for cant get Programmers . tons of big companies moved to ND because of the promise of no corporate tax and the state giving cheap land or discounts on utility hookups lax regulations and minn red tape to build factories etc etc .
guys are up there working on building factories sleeping in there trucks and trailers all week and driving back to MN and WI on the weekend because there is no housing.funny how it is more EZ to sit in Detroit or wherever collecting a check and blame Bush for your woes than do what people in this country have done from the inception of the colonies. move to where the work and promise of a better life for you and your family is.


Well-known member
funny how it is more EZ to sit in Detroit or wherever collecting a check and blame Bush for your woes than do what people in this country have done from the inception of the colonies. move to where the work and promise of a better life for you and your family is.



New member
maybe there is a strategy by the government to utilize foreign oil first and sit on ours...what will happen if we control most of the oil after there's has been used? I know there is no way our government could come up with a plan like that.


Answer me this and be honest please. Are you worried about the planet.

Yes. I am more worried about our economy, and the fact that we spend $25 billion a year just on Persian Gulf oil, and are doing next to nothing to resolve our dependence on oil, domestic or imported.

Do you want to see us sometime in the near future eliminate the use of fossil fuels,

Eliminate, not possible. Significantly reduce, yes. Near future is undefined. Developing automobiles than use something other than oil purchased from desert despots who are our sworn enemy would be real smart. It we were not dependent on oil the Middle East would become politically insignificant.

should it be top priority now?

Yes, if it creates jobs
I do know that 14 million Americans are out of work. I do know that we have lost 8 million manufacturing jobs. And I do know that we have spent $1trillion over 10 years blowing up 2 countries because of national security issues related to oil. If money could be spent to create new technology to solve the oil problem (which we have been stammering about since 1973) then this would be a very different world and a very different American economy.

Lenny- I think you have combined two issues. The domestic drilling issue has nothing to do with developing alternative sources to run our nation. This is not an either/or question.
Domestic drilling may or may not reduce gas prices. Fine.
Developing a new technology will (might?) provide America with a source of jobs, will keep more of our money here, will give us something to export to the rest of the world, and will reduce the political significance of the unstable Middle East, which we are now controlling through spending trillions of dollars and sacrificing our young men and women.

Isn't that a better option?