I agree but you cannot get a balanced report from any media, even B.O. on fox slants right noticeable. There's always an agenda or world view that drives a subtle point. I do not know if it's always been that way or not but certainly is discouraging.
Look at Shaun Hannity (fox) or Chris Mathews (msnbc) always spewing rhetoric or sarcasm contributing greatly to the divide, how do you fix that?
I think you live with it. What is worrisome to me is that this has now given rise to the "celebrity politician" (Palin, Huckabee, Gingrich, others), whereby a politician leaves public office and becomes a talking head, then decides to run again based upon their celebrity status granted to them by FOX or MSNBC.
Celebrity does not equal effective.
funny how it is more EZ to sit in Detroit or wherever collecting a check and blame Bush for your woes than do what people in this country have done from the inception of the colonies. move to where the work and promise of a better life for you and your family is.
Answer me this and be honest please. Are you worried about the planet.
Yes. I am more worried about our economy, and the fact that we spend $25 billion a year just on Persian Gulf oil, and are doing next to nothing to resolve our dependence on oil, domestic or imported.
Do you want to see us sometime in the near future eliminate the use of fossil fuels,
Eliminate, not possible. Significantly reduce, yes. Near future is undefined. Developing automobiles than use something other than oil purchased from desert despots who are our sworn enemy would be real smart. It we were not dependent on oil the Middle East would become politically insignificant.
should it be top priority now?
Yes, if it creates jobs
I do know that 14 million Americans are out of work. I do know that we have lost 8 million manufacturing jobs. And I do know that we have spent $1trillion over 10 years blowing up 2 countries because of national security issues related to oil. If money could be spent to create new technology to solve the oil problem (which we have been stammering about since 1973) then this would be a very different world and a very different American economy.