gov evers a democrat....hmmmm
I am by no means a Democrat, or Republican. I also don't identify as a Catholic or Lutheran. But I definately lean one way. What I try to be every day, is a decent human being. We will never get anywhere blaming each other by a certain group that we relate with. It's time that we start to come together for the good of each other. Stop blaming one certain group, and start to unify this world. Money really seems to be the root of all evil in this world. You all need to take a moment to step back and think about what is most important in life. Is it really that important to argue about this, or should we try to come together. Aside from the media, our own personal opinion and agenda, is just as damaging. We will NEVER get anywhere arguing on any discussion board. Every one of us thinks we are right, and thinks anyone else is wrong.
I challenge you all to take a step back and see this through someone else's eyes. Just because you think you are right, doesn't mean you are right.