How about a home-made model B-29 bomber … with a Bell X-1 Rocket Plane that launches from under its wing, no less!
Check the video (wmf, 7m 24s).
Note, the "pilot" loses control of the B-29 and ejects(!), then "the 2nd in command" (presumably) recovers!?
This aircraft runs on four Chainsaw motors!
Anyone care to try snowmobile motors?
Now that's spec-F-ing-tacular, or as one of my colleagues at G.E./Honeywell yoosta say: "slicker than snot on a brass doorknob"!
Check the video (wmf, 7m 24s).
Note, the "pilot" loses control of the B-29 and ejects(!), then "the 2nd in command" (presumably) recovers!?
This aircraft runs on four Chainsaw motors!
Anyone care to try snowmobile motors?
Now that's spec-F-ing-tacular, or as one of my colleagues at G.E./Honeywell yoosta say: "slicker than snot on a brass doorknob"!