RC model aircraft (B-29)...


Active member
How about a home-made model B-29 bomber … with a Bell X-1 Rocket Plane that launches from under its wing, no less!

Check the video (wmf, 7m 24s).

Note, the "pilot" loses control of the B-29 and ejects(!), then "the 2nd in command" (presumably) recovers!?

This aircraft runs on four Chainsaw motors!

Anyone care to try snowmobile motors? :)

Now that's spec-F-ing-tacular, or as one of my colleagues at G.E./Honeywell yoosta say: "slicker than snot on a brass doorknob"!


New member
Thanks Nash!

That is so awesome! My grandpa and I built an RC plane with a small gass .040 OS engine and it was really cool at the time. Our plane was pretty basic, but some of the guys in our flying club had really amazing airplanes. I have a ton of respect for the palne in the video, it was sweet!

The RC planes with the JET engines are also pretty sweet.



Well-known member
I spent well over 50hrs building a rc plane if flew 4 about 12 sec until exploding in to about 200 pieces as it smashed i to the parking lot


very common, need to have a buddy box with an experienced pilot to train. I have a plane but never assembled it yet but this video is encouraging

I spent well over 50hrs building a rc plane if flew 4 about 12 sec until exploding in to about 200 pieces as it smashed i to the parking lot


New member
Thats a whole lot of plane to be putting into a flat spin and hammerhead stalls no to mention the low and slow inverted flight. WOW way cool!


Active member
Thats a whole lot of plane to be putting into a flat spin and hammerhead stalls no to mention the low and slow inverted flight. WOW way cool!
You betcha!

As a pilot myself, I have to believe that flying something like that from a joy stick on the ground has to be far more of a challenge than flying the F-16 simulators at Luke Air Force Base! (Been there, done that — and I didn't crash 'em either! :))

… unless you have the appropriate flight "instruments" on your RC box, and perhaps a "pilot's eye" view from a wireless camera in the cockpit!


I dabble a bit in R/C ;)


Sled trailer in the winter. Plane hauler in the summer:


My 35% Extra 330

Some 200 mph fun! (jump to 4:42)



New member
How about a home-made model B-29 bomber … with a Bell X-1 Rocket Plane that launches from under its wing, no less!

Check the video (wmf, 7m 24s).

Note, the "pilot" loses control of the B-29 and ejects(!), then "the 2nd in command" (presumably) recovers!?

This aircraft runs on four Chainsaw motors!

Anyone care to try snowmobile motors? :)

Now that's spec-F-ing-tacular, or as one of my colleagues at G.E./Honeywell yoosta say: "slicker than snot on a brass doorknob"!

For some reason when I click on your link I get a "internet explorer cannot connect to webpage." error message. I tried going to the webpage directly but I get the same message. Any ideas frnash? I would really like to see the video.


Active member
For some reason when I click on your link I get a "internet explorer cannot connect to webpage." error message. I tried going to the webpage directly but I get the same message. Any ideas frnash? I would really like to see the video.

It works fine with Windows Media Player verison 12.0.7600.16667.


It may not work with any other media player software.
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Active member

This was sent to me by a friend who was traveling from Houston to Phoenix today via San Antonio.

It would appear that he caught this on his iPhone while in San Antonio, around 3:30-4:00PM MST today.
