Read Those Credit Card Letters!!!


New member
Many states have limits on what rate can be charged in that specific state. Might want to check to see what the rate is in your state.

If you find they are charging more than they should, you can tell the company to take a leap and go to court where they will be forced to take no interest at all.

For everyone else, a credit card was never designed to carry a balance over long term. It was there to ease the purchase of something, or to keep track of expenses over the month and pay one bill.

So use the card wisely....if you can't pay the bill off at the end of the month...then you can't afford the purchase and just don't do it.

Some people like me, have money coming in chunks. I can use the card, and pay it off when the money comes in. I keep track of all business expenses by using one card for that and one for personal use...both get paid off at the end of the month.

Sky miles, money back...and a bunch more reasons that a credit card can be a friend at times...not to mention the occasional disaster where the tranny breaks and not enough cash to cover the fix. But this all requires DISCIPLINE, which ONLY YOU can control. Take the card out of your wallet, and keep it at home. Before you buy anything, write it down, on a sheet of paper, put it on the table, and discuss OPTIONS for buying cheaper, less of something...., used, whatever, and DON'T BUY it for one week. Then if, after a week, you still think the purchase is the right one...get the card and do it.

Be surprised how many times you think that what you are doing is right until you think about it over time, and realize there is a better, cheaper way, or you just decide you don't need it that badly anyway.

Works like a charm.


Well-known member
every one blaming the card corps yeah the interest is crazy. but they are raising now because of government involvement once again.and no one forced you to charge that cheeseburger.if they raise any of my cards it wont affect me because I have no balance.I had some debt last year and then The wake up came. I payed all my debt off over the last year but the if they give me a 30% hike on a 0 balance what ever more incentive not to use.I am still getting 0% offers so if you do get nailed try shopping for a 0% and stop going out stop everything and pay it off you will feel allot better not carrying around 1000lbs on your shoulders


Well-known member
Better yet lets all go back to paying cash or writing checks and show them who's really in charge. I know, it's a pipe dream.
I pay mine off every month but if they start charging me just to use it I'am gone. Right now there still paying me (1% on purchases and 5% on gas)