Real-----verses fake???


Active member
About 5 years ago I switched to fake. I wasn't home enough to take care of the real ones. I miss the real ones. Sure they fall to the floor before the fake ones. I miss the hunt for the real ones. Do you remember looking for the perfect real ones? I know the store bought ones look fantastic , but they don't look or feel the same as real. Lets not to mention the smell. That's right ,the real tree smells like Christmas !!! What did you think I was talking about?:)I failed to mention I like the small ones ,big ones and the really huge ones.:)
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Well-known member
I was really hoping this thread was about something else lol. Fake trees here...

Best laugh of the day. Yes, the tag line did get my attention.

Nothing like the smell of a forest in your house but we caved in and went fake a few years back. My son still gets a real one so we get our pine fix at his house.


Well-known member
we were real for ever. 1 day the dogs took out the real tree full of my wife's prized ornements
well that situation was over a grand MSRP.
from that time has been only fake.
our fake has been in many Department 56 catalogs shoots your wifes know what that is.
so I was able to deduct it in the spiret of Christmas lol


I gave up caring years ago, so yea, fake here, Cost less same great taste.


New member
Decisions like this are made by the wife, she switched to fake a few years ago. Sometimes I do miss the real ones, it must be the smell of the forest.


Active member
We were real for along time, then we went to fake, didn't much care for it so we went back to real.



Staff member
Fake. My switch to fake started about 20 years ago. We were out shopping at a lot for a real tree. Got to talking to the person at the lot about the trees and where they came from. He said the UP. In a strange way, my heart just sank. At that time of my life, I yearned to live in the UP about as much as I yearned for anything and I looked around and saw all these beautiful trees that were living in the UP just a few weeks ago and now here they sat, only to be dressed up for a few weeks and then tossed out a day or two after Christmas like a jug of milk gone bad. Just seemed like a waste to me.

I know this sounds sappy and I hope it does not sound judgmental, because it is not suppose to. I just knew I could never sit and enjoy looking at a real tree that was once living where I yearned to live. So for all of you that like the real, that is perfectly fine by me and I do not think you are evil by any means. There are some really neat family traditions that revolve around going out to harvest the Christmas Tree every year. Besides, now days, I don't need to bring the smell of the woods to where I live!

On a side note, Nora and I want to get a 9-10 foot artificial tree. The pickings are pretty slim for those up here retail wise and I am afraid to buy it on-line as I really would like to see it in person before we buy. The plan is to look for some while down south the next time we are there in the more retail-rich environment, but if anyone has any suggestions for a good looking 9-10 footer, we would appreciate it!



Active member
Grew up with real. Used to go cut one down every year.
Switched to fake about 10 years ago. I miss the real ones.


Fake, to find a 15' plus tree that is narrow enough to not take up the whole room is too hard with a real tree.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I miss the smell of pine but not the mess. We've been artificial for about 15 years now.

No chance of Flying Squirrels like over at the Griswolds.
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