Respect the Groomer


You should have seen my "groomed trail" dance Saturday night on the way back from Hurley. I'm sure I looked like an idiot but after riding all day on trails that took a massive beat down from traffic all day this was a godsend. 335659_3028849316343_1116130453_33046616_1060198114_o.jpg This would have been the intersection of trail 13 and corridor 8 just NW of Mercer. By the looks of the tracks in the snow we figured he was just ahead of us and sure enough we had to pass him on the 17 grade in Mercer.


New member
OK... I'm guilty of running right down the fresh ribbon. BUT... during the day sometimes there is no place else to go. Some sections of trails are only so wide. NOW... I'm also guilty of other offenses, like stopping the groomer in open area's, tipping him and saying " Thank You " go buy yourself lunch.... OR hey... do you want some candy ??? and then proceed to pull out a big bag of assorted sweets and offer them their choice. Always try to tip the groomer jars in & out of eating establishments. Finally.... I try to do this in front of my kids, they need to appreciate what other people do for this sport, and sometimes they are expecting nothing in return. When we are out during the day and we come across a ribbon, I group the kids up and remind them that if we see a groomer, WE get out of the way.

Thanks, people like you make the night go so much better!
Think Snow! -Dave


New member
I always try to respect the groomer and tip them or thank them when we see them. If it wasn't for them, the trails wouldn't be as enjoyable as they are. I love riding on fresh groomed trails in the morning that haven't been beaten up.