Rush Pro Ride


New member
Somewhat disapointed to see that the Rush Pro Ride rear suspension is being basically completely changed for 2011; differewnt rails, different torque arm, different track with a different pitch, rear mid flap mounted cooler.(if the rear mounted cooler works like the last rear mounted cooler, it should add about 30# of ice build-up in the suspension. You would think that with 1,000's & 1,000's of supposedly test miles put on by professional test riders that there wouldn't be that many issues . I guess that's the price you pay for a first year sled.


New member
Snowgoer indicated they added the rear cooler due to the extra heat generated by the 800, and they were also wondering if perhaps some 600's had a marginal cooling issue (althought that was only speculation on their part). I have not read about any durability complaints with the Rush......continuous improvement?


New member
And Polaris said the Flush was their most tested sled ever in their history.

Prediction - By the 2013 model year, the sled and its hocus-pocus suspension will be gone from the line up.


The Rush was a first year sled. All that was posted on this site were 2 problems. One was it was to cold. That was addressed with an available 21 inch tall windshield for 2011. The other was a binding track on the front drive shaft. This was caused when the track was run to loose.

Polaris made some updates on the 2011. Updates sell new sleds. These updates were similar to what Skidoo did with the second year Rev and the second year XP. I don’t understand why you guys are blasting the new Rush when it didn’t seem to disappoint anybody that owned one.
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Well-known member
Seems ok with updates but will really know with 2010 line up expansion. I can understand why people are gun shy due to poor performance of past 1st year Poo sleds & discountinued engines. Heck they dropped PWCs after I bought Poo PWC so I got burned too. Trust with OEM is a big deal & when they drop your product or engine it rocks you.:(


The Rush was a first year sled. All that was posted on this site were 2 problems. One was it was to cold. That was addressed with an available 21 inch tall windshield for 2012. The other was a binding track on the front drive shaft. This was caused when the track was run to loose.

Polaris made some updates on the 2012. Updates sell new sleds. These updates were similar to what Skidoo did with the second year Rev and the second year XP. I don’t understand why you guys are blasting the new Rush when it didn’t seem to disappoint anybody that owned one.

dude thats what this post was about the guy being disapointed


Skubee dude, This is what 90s wrote back in Feb about his Rush. His first sentance says it all. It doesen't sound like he was having issues with much of anything but getting the suspension dialed in. His disappointment is more directed to the fact they made so many changes in the new year model and why did Polaris need make that many changes.

I've got 2,000 on my Rush, no issues whatsoever with the motor or suspension. Oil consumption is verylow. I did have the re-flash done to turn the oil lite off, and the back firing when almost stopped. The only issue I have is with the rear suspension adjustment, it is fine with the setting for my wt. Plus 10 lbs. It rides very well in the 6-10 inch stutter bumps at the adj that I have, if I hit a larger bump, the kick-back is upsetting. I don't like the ski lift I encounter at this setting in the corners, the front becomes unloaded and the result is front end push. Tighten the spring to control ski lift, and ride quality is scrificed. There just seems to be to much wt transfer when accelarating. The rear end just squats down.


New member
the only ones that are crying are the non-poo guys. Wonder why? they dont even own one anymore or never did. Get over it and move on! Go RUSH!


New member
I would think that for any new sled for any brand that you would just wait a year or two or more until they work out the problems. I am personally waiting until 2012 or 2013 to purchase a rush. Every sled has its problems, but I have heard few about the rush. All I have heard is great things coming from the people that actually ride them. So far I want to get one, just not yet. If dialing in the suspension is one of the major problems for this sled sign me up to buy one. Dialing in a suspension is not a big deal for me. Finding a suspension that will handle every situation well is hard. That's why there are different types of snowmobiles on the market. Trail riders to off trail. Don't be dissapointed if you dial in your rush to trail ride then it performs badly in the rough stuff.