RUSH test ride

  • Thread starter Deleted member 10829
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Deleted member 10829

I went to my Polaris dealer today to pick up an air filter for my FST and as rp7x told me, they had a RUSH demo sled available to ride and it only had 80 miles on it. I have seen the RUSH before and I really think the fit and finish is the best I have ever seen from Polaris. No one had ridden the sled yet today, so I let it warm up good and took off down the trail. The first thing I noticed was the excellent riding position, but like all of the rider forward positions for me, it will take a little getting used to. I'm used to cruiser classics.

What amazed me the most was how that sled could steer! If you moved the handlebars at all, the sled responded and I really liked that. It held the trail like it was on rails. The trails were in pretty good shape, but once in a while there would be a good mogul to hit (as ATV's use some of these trails in the summer I believe) and I made sure to hit them at good speed and the rear suspension seemed to have no bottom to it. I'm only 170 lbs, but the rear suspension hardly seemed to notice the big bumps. It's not like they completely disappeared, but I really like the rear suspension. The brake was very good too and the power from the 600 engine was excellent, even though the sled only had 80 miles on it. Polaris may have a few issues with their 800 right now, but that 600 is very good!

I tried to find some negatives too, and what I came up with is that the sled seems like it could be cold to ride. It wasn't that cold today, but I only had sweat pants on and you can feel the rush of air on your legs. I've read where others had made the same comment, and I tend to agree. I only rode the sled for about 10 miles, but I really liked the experience and it left me wanting more.


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I set one up yesterday afternoon, to be used as a demo. I am hoping to get a ride in on it soon. :)

Deleted member 10829


You got a very good luck at the fit and finish, what did you think?


I know, but I had boots, gloves and a helmet! :) With the temps in the mid 20's, I didn't think it would be as cold as it was. I wasn't thinking I guess.


That's going to be a really tough call. A few things come in to play for me, most of which are about the same for you I think. First and foremost is comfort. They would have to come up with a much better windshield as I like to stay warm. Decent mirrors would be nice, but not do or die, and some storage space or better bag than they currently have. I would love a 4 stroke in the RUSH, but I don't think there's enough room. I like a good long range cruiser with plenty of power, but the 600's today are enough for me. I've really enjoyed my 4 stroke and will be surprised if I buy a 2 stroke, but I'm leaving all of my options open. And that includes the 1200 Ski-doo (their new sled has not grown on me, but I like the wider body on the 4 stroke chassis) and even a Yamaha as I think they have the best engine in the biz, but their ride has always been a concern of mine and that seems to have been taken care of. I will find it very hard to not buy a Polaris though as I've been riding them for 34 years. My dealer is very close and treats me very well too, and that's important. I'm not even sure where the nearest Yamaha dealer is, maybe Rice Lake about 35 miles from where I'm at. I really don't want to buy a first year model again, no matter what OEM I would go with. I'm excited to see all of the 2011 models!


Well-known member
Mark you know I luv my Attack but rode with an older guy on GSX 1200 with 700 miles & he could rip it with the best. My Attack 150hp is fast but GSX 130 sneaky fast. Doo 1200 130 did about the same gas milage as my Yam 150 & I did better on last leg of 260 mile ride so doo 4s not as good on gas as Yam engines HP To Hp but doo 4s sleds do handle very well in 136 version. Doo adjustable air shock works well too but don't know it would hold up to 5000 miles of pounding like my Yam ohlin EC. All in all in all my 5000+ mile 07 Attack felt just as good as brand new doo 4s GSX which does say something for well built Yamaha sleds. My other bud on 08 doo MXZXPX 800r in shop now getting shocks rebuilt after 4000 miles & he weighs in at about 175lbs so doo's best X shocks just do not last as long as Yams & is about where my old MXZ800X shocks fizziled at 3500 miles. Doo catching up on 4s sleds but Yamaha has something new for 2011 just have to wait until Feb 2 release & test ride to see what Yam has up their sleeves.


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The fit and finish is very good. I am not saying it is on par with a Yamaha though. The one thing I really do not understand is the stupid worthless "windshield" that comes with the sled. ****, why even bother putting one on? Anybody at Polaris ride when it is cold out? LOL.

Deleted member 10829

I agree on the windshield, but I have seen those on other sleds too, but mostly off trail sleds. The demo I rode had a mid height windshield that wasn't too bad, and they had a full height windshield inside that they showed me, and that looked much better.


Thanks mspease. Good report. Today I will be riding with a couple of guys from Roseau with 800s. One is a Dragon and the other is a Switchback. They are both supposed to have the latest and greatest updates. We will see how it goes. I am bringing my rope.


mspease- Do you think the larger windshield would have made much of a difference? I have talked to several other people that have rode the rush and they all said the same thing with regards to how it handles the bumps. It sure would be nice if it was not such a cold ride.


Thanks mspease. Good report. Today I will be riding with a couple of guys from Roseau with 800s. One is a Dragon and the other is a Switchback. They are both supposed to have the latest and greatest updates. We will see how it goes. I am bringing my rope.

Good news and bad news for POL. Did not notice any midrange stumble because we basically rode wide open all day. However after about 70 miles the Switchback lost about 300 rpms. The same thing happened last year. There is something about the 800 motor that will not tolerate any piston scuffing. Last year when this happened the compression was good, the clutching was fine - everything looked good. finally the motor came apart to reveal the scuffing. New pistons, rings and a light hone and the 300 rpms came back. Go figure. Exact same symptoms this time after latest update. I am liking my Apex even more today.


New member
i wonder if it's something in the cooling around the jugs that causes the cylinder to egg shape, thus causing the problem when the engine gets hot.


I have a buddy that works at a dealer and pulled a Rush off the showroom for a ride. I had the chance to ride it for about 10 miles. I was impressed with how it handled and the throdle response was very impressive for a 600 also. I rode polaris all my life and swithced to a Ski doo rev a few years ago because I really love the foreward position. It is about time Polaris came out with a sled that is compareable to the rev. It is a nice sled if it's above 15 degrees. That windshield (if you want to call it that) need improvement. The first thing I would do is put wind deflectors on and a bigger windshield. I ride in all temps including -30.


New member
i was at the dealer a few days ago and they let me take one for a ride had 300 miles on it and all i have to say is WOW the ride is nothing that i have ever been on and the power of the DI600 is unreal from a dead top to WOT it stood on the back bumper and didnt go down till i let off wish my 800 would do that and stll beable to trail ride it lol


New member
I'll agree with the factory useless windshield, a tall one came on mine, I thought it was the mid, but checked, it was the tall, I would like it to be maybe an inch taller. As stated in previous comments the engine/clutch are dead on. I ride at all speeds and have not noticed any stumbles/flat spots at any rpm. Been playing with the rear shock & shock compression adjuster, finally getting very close. I'm running Woody's dually's. It turns somewhat better with the 8" carbides I had on it orginally.(but had some darting) Use very little oil(was shocked as this is very uncommon for Polaris). Have 1300 miles on & no issues. Avg 15 mpg.


New member
IQ/Dragon vs. RUSH

I had a chance over the weekend to ride my buddy's '09 800 Dragon SP. It was a very, very nice ride. I have an '02 600 XC SP that I bought brand new. Talk about night and day. Glad I didn't get to test ride a new sled earlier, I probably would have spent some more money I don't have. LOL! I hope to be able to snowcheck a new sled this spring. When I get the chance, I plan to test ride the RUSH at the local dealer. Then I can make an informed decision as to which sled I want to buy. I will be buying a 600 as that is all the sled I need. I also do not like to buy a first year run of anything. Got to give the manufacturers time to work out the bugs that aren't caught in their testing. At this point I am leaning towards the RUSH because of what I have heard from current owner's about the "ride". But, I am with you guys on the windshield, why bother putting on anything if it is that small. The larger windshield should be the "stock" equipment and let each person who wants something smaller put that on.


Well-known member
Where do you Rush guys stand on Poo 2s engines? I'm not being a wiseguy they just scare the heck out of me no matter the platform!! The 800 just is not right & I don't know what will happen to current 800 users when warranty runs out? If poo warrantys engines for 4 years then maybe some downtime but at least you would have some factory help. Also MPG is not very good either 600 or 800. These new Poo injected engines are not your Dad's old 488 or even his old 700. Very scary to me.