Sad day for Polaris


New member

H. Ross Perot was running for president when the Democrats were ready to vote in NAFTA.

Perot was asked what he thought, he said it will be like a giant sucking sound all the US jobs leaving this country if it passes.

Here is part of the debate with VP Al Gore talking about how he and Clinton thinks it is so great for the American people.


H. Ross Perot was running for president when the Democrats were ready to vote in NAFTA.

Perot was asked what he thought, he said it will be like a giant sucking sound all the US jobs leaving this country if it passes.

Here is part of the debate with VP Al Gore talking about how he and Clinton thinks it is so great for the American people.

As you read this, please note that I also am not in favor of NAFTA, not the purpose of this post.

Some historical correction needed to your post-
President Bush (Bush 1) signed the agreement prior to Clinton taking office on Dec 17, 1992. It was up to the Congress to ratify it under Clinton. That vote was held Nov 17, 1993. The vote in the house was:
Aye 234 No 200
By Party
Republicans Aye 132 No 43
Democrats Aye 102 No 156

The vote in the Senate was
Aye 61 No 38
By Party
Republicans Aye 34 No 10
Democrats Aye 27 No 28

While I know Democrats are the root evil of all problems that lie before us, your claim "the Democrats were ready to vote in NAFTA" is incorrect. NAFTA was signed by a Republican President, the Republican party cast 65% of all Aye votes, and the Democrats cast 77% of all No votes.

The evil Democrats voted NO on NAFTA 184 times, the Republicans voted No 53 times.


Well-known member
Funny how all these politics are just that, POLITICS. It doesn't really matter what side of the road they come from.

As for Polaris, they are just one of a long line of companies doing this exact thing.


Well-known member
Well I must say there stock is still looking nice. They did the right thing.

I agree....BUT, will this really create long-term value? It SHOULD cut costs, but will it erode customer loyalty? I know several sledders who buy only Polaris because they are made in USA. Will these types stay loyal?

Does this mean that all of the engine production will be moved outside of the USA?


All 2 stroke sled engines will be made in Roseau, the 4 stroke will still be made by Weber and I believe that’s a European company. The sleds will still be assembled in Roseau also.

The side by sides and their engines will probably be made and assembled in Mexico. Polaris claims that the south western section of US is where the majority of their side by sides is currently sold.

My feelings are Polaris sold out their workers in Osceola. They were hard working, innovated people that helped Polaris get to where they are today. Polaris turned their backs on them for what Polaris claims will be higher profits.

I doubt this will effect product sales as much as some people claim it will.


New member
Thanks for the historical correction!!

I don't think the Democrats are evil, I think both parties are doing whats best for themselves rather than the american people and its sad what has happened!

As you read this, please note that I also am not in favor of NAFTA, not the purpose of this post.

Some historical correction needed to your post-
President Bush (Bush 1) signed the agreement prior to Clinton taking office on Dec 17, 1992. It was up to the Congress to ratify it under Clinton. That vote was held Nov 17, 1993. The vote in the house was:
Aye 234 No 200
By Party
Republicans Aye 132 No 43
Democrats Aye 102 No 156

The vote in the Senate was
Aye 61 No 38
By Party
Republicans Aye 34 No 10
Democrats Aye 27 No 28

While I know Democrats are the root evil of all problems that lie before us, your claim "the Democrats were ready to vote in NAFTA" is incorrect. NAFTA was signed by a Republican President, the Republican party cast 65% of all Aye votes, and the Democrats cast 77% of all No votes.

The evil Democrats voted NO on NAFTA 184 times, the Republicans voted No 53 times.


New member
It's interesting to see the blame for the loss of industry to outsoursing is so often directed at the blue party, when the major outsoursers and those who have benefited most from the outsoursing usually ally themselves with the red party. The blame game does nothing to help the economy or address the loss of jobs (i.e. taxpayers). When the outsourcing begins to include the "employees" at the top management level, maybe something constructive will happen. Right now it doesn't seem like they think they are vulnerble.


New member
appearently not a union plant, according to Country Messanger, a local paper. The following was part of the article:
“While this was a difficult decision for us, given the impact on our employees at the Osceola facility, we believe the creation of these manufacturing centers of excellence will strengthen our company over the long-term and enable us to maintain our lead in a competitive market,” Polaris CEO Scott Wine said in a prepared statement.
The announcement comes even as Polaris has recently touted increases in sales and income in the first quarter of 2010 amid reports of a recovering economy.
In an April 21 financial statement, the company said its sales were up 16 percent over last year’s first quarter, with net incomes increasing by 127 percent to a record high of $19.8 million.


Well-known member
From reading all the replies on this and the other similar thread, it does not appear that snowmobile manufacturing will be moved outside the midwest. Is this correct? And since the engine is still made in the US, Polaris is still the best bet if you want to buy a US made snowmobile (because Cat sled engines are made somewhere else). Is that correct? I'd like to know. I'm the kind of guy that prefers buying US when possible, however I'm not really excited about Polaris right now due to my experiences with my 600 Fusion (I'd probably jump ship if there was a similar made in USA alternative).


New member
From reading all the replies on this and the other similar thread, it does not appear that snowmobile manufacturing will be moved outside the midwest. Is this correct? And since the engine is still made in the US, Polaris is still the best bet if you want to buy a US made snowmobile (because Cat sled engines are made somewhere else). Is that correct? I'd like to know. I'm the kind of guy that prefers buying US when possible, however I'm not really excited about Polaris right now due to my experiences with my 600 Fusion (I'd probably jump ship if there was a similar made in USA alternative).


All but the CAT small engines are designed manufactured and installed in the USA. It has been noted that all makers get electronics from off shore...(no surprise there...when was the last time you bought an electronic device that was made in the USA??)

And you can bet your bottom dollar that over time POLARIS WILL move production to Mexico...even the sleds.

The financial "terrorists" have decided that built in the USA isn't important for Polaris anymore.

Not sure that assessment was a good one...but I can assure you that the CAT I bought last year was built with care and precision far better than the Polaris I bought in 2006, and both quality control and basic engineering design were seriously lacking in the Polaris. Time will tell if the CAT stands the test of time, or maybe it's time to buy Florida property and commute south in the winter. (just kidding on this last one...I can't take the heat...)

BTW I have owned all makes of sleds over the last 10 years, and I simply prefer CAT after having made the "rounds". Started with CAT, (which products I still own) went to yamaha, then skidoo, then polaris, and now back to CAT)
This doesn't mean much and has no scientific evidences, but it doesn't hurt to know that CAT is still that NOW has become very important to me!


New member
MEXICO, are you kidding

I sure hope it was to make ATV's and not snowmobiles. Next thing you know they'll be volunteering to test drive them by riding across the boarder.