Seeking Keweenaw Trail Information


New member
Trail 133 Gay to Lac La Belle is closed for the season because of logging and the beaver dam. Do to the fact the the trail IS closed for the season I was up this week and closed the gates to my land. So a word of caution to anyone that runs the trails closed signs, they might just have to worry about hitting a couple of big steel gates. More then happy to have the land open when the trail is open but if they decide to close it for the season then I see no reason to leave the gates open.


New member
I was talking with a local on Saturday night in Houghton and he said that one of the reasons trail 133 was closed was because a property owner had winter wheat planted and snowmobiles went off trail and destroyed 3/4 of his crop so he closed access to his land.

I'm certain John's information is likely more accurate but if this account is true those of us in the sledding community should understand that these type of incidents are going to cause more and more trails to be shut down.

What's different today is that snowmobile manufactures have engineered and marketed backcountry sleds, top selling brands are crossover's and obviously if you have bought and are riding one at some point you're going off trail, just be responsible and understand that private property is just that private and if you break the law your actions could impact our entire sport.

Ok with my rant over one of the best trails I was on this weekend and perhaps this entire season was 14 east out of Baraga to Big Bay and then continued on to Marquette, beautiful country.

Lastly my hats off to the groomers in Keweenaw and Western UP you folks do a fantastic job!


Staff member

Not a lick of winter wheat grown out there, no cultivated crops at all. Someone's just fed you a line of crap for some reason.

Which brings up a good point. Just because it comes from a local's mouth up here does not make it fact. I have read more than once on this board things like: "The bartender at... said..., or I was told by the person at the gas station...".

Don't mean to dig the locals, but there is just as many (or more) rumors, BS or exaggeration going on up here as anywhere else.

I also don't mean to sound conceited, but I was one of the board members that made the decision to close the trail for the season for safety reasons, so what I say is the real deal.



New member

I have a pretty good BS sensor and Brock (The local's name) ;-) was very convincing, in fact I'm certain he believes his account to be true. I did think to myself that those were pretty harsh conditions for Winter Wheat but I'm not a farmer so what do I know right.

I was never intending to question your genius; we understand that you are the all knowing when it comes to the Keweenaw!!!! I for one sincerely appreciate your efforts in sharing this information with the rest of us.


Staff member

I did not mean to single you out by any means and you should never feel bad about yourself by being conned by someone else. It is the person doing the con that is in the wrong. I myself am very trusting and have had a lot of BS that I have believed too!

I just wanted to make a general statement about trying to get info from the persons in charge and not someone that is not involved in the process.

The only fields that have a planted crop up here are in the Traprock Valley north of Lake Linden and some fields south of Chassell around Klingville and such. Otherwise it is woods and water up here!
