Ski pressure


New member
I have a 06 Crossfire and would like to get more ski pressure for it. What steps do i need to take to get this done? Any help is greatly appreciated.


shorten the limiter strap(s),but describe what its doing or not doing in detail=sometimes other adjustments help in different ways. like if its just light on acceleration or.....?


New member
The skies do not like to stay on they ground under heavy throttle and when cornering it seems kind of tippy. Am i think right with ski pressure or am i missing something else?


here is what I would try if it was me=1st,for tipping in corners,tighten up the ski springs,2nd,tighten up the very rear of the skid springs or if there is an adjustment for transfer then adjust and try(not sure on the cats). keep track of whatever you do,so if you dislike it then you have the option of going back to what you had. hope this helps


Well-known member
that black square block at the rear of the skid just behind the rear skid arm.
turn that block it has the bolt off center. u want the shortest distance from the face of that block to the rear of the rear arm.
the ski lift is from transfer and that block limits transfer. if u got it used and a guy was using it for off trail he prob took those blocks off .because off trail u want to be able to pop the fr end up with just a quick brapp.
1 thing at a time .
then try tightening springs 1 click and see what happens limiter strap is a PITA and last resort .
I bet the transfer block setting will help u out


Well-known member
that black square block at the rear of the skid just behind the rear skid arm.
turn that block it has the bolt off center. u want the shortest distance from the face of that block to the rear of the rear arm.
the ski lift is from transfer and that block limits transfer. if u got it used and a guy was using it for off trail he prob took those blocks off .because off trail u want to be able to pop the fr end up with just a quick brapp.
1 thing at a time .
then try tightening springs 1 click and see what happens limiter strap is a PITA and last resort .
I bet the transfer block setting will help u out

are you talking the block the spring with the long arms sits on?
ive been saying the same thing about the 03 f7 im riding this year, it feels tippy in the corners
i turned that block so the spring was setting on the highest part, i guess i went the wrong way?
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Well-known member
no that is the spring adjustment spring block .
the block at the rear of the skid adjusts transfer it limits how far back the rear skid arm can fall back the further the rear arm can move back the more ski lift u will have on acceleration


Well-known member
no that is the spring adjustment spring block .
the block at the rear of the skid adjusts transfer it limits how far back the rear skid arm can fall back the further the rear arm can move back the more ski lift u will have on acceleration

guess i need to figure out what the skid is, i even went on line and tried to google it and look at diagrams with no luck unless its the rear arm coupler block ?

i need to get my terminology straight, one look and i knew what you were talking about, what a dummy
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New member
Riding style matters, have you tried moving tighter to tank, or back 2 inches, and what difference it makes ? Try turning triangle/pyramid shaped block on skid turn 1/3 on both sides based upon your weight. The heavier/lighter you are the more it matters. Ride for a while . What distance do you have spanner nut/keeper on your ski's at shock absorber ? Increase/decrease by half an inch each side. Ride for awhile. Or 30 minutes at a knowledgable shop should get you dialed in, thats what I did.


Well-known member
I would say that Ezra is referring to coupler block.

yeah, when i looked mine were set at 1, i dont expect the skis to stay down under acceleration and i like them lifting in powder so i left them alone, i might try the #2 setting just to see the difference
i had already stiffened my springs a couple turns, might try a couple more tonight
it does turn of course but it just feels like it dips a lot before grabbing, i might just not be used to the travel on this sled


New member
Also with the spring adjustment blocks i noticed today when looking at my sled that they were set on the softest setting and adjusted them to the stiffest. Will this help with my issue?


Well-known member
canvas.jpg part number 21 is the block that adjusts transfer u want part 21 to have the shortest distance to the rear arm . when u accelerate the rear arm drops back and fr end lifts ez until arm hits block. then suspension has to work harder to lift fr end