skunk smell removal


Made a last run to northern MN this weekend with the sleds and family, primary reason was to see the grandparents and let the kids get the last riding in for the winter. Never pulled the wife sled or my sled off the trailer. on the way home late last night Mr. skunk decided to play chicken in the road, by the time I saw him it was to late. Got home and got out of the truck and he left me a present....a nice smell. I looked under the truck and trailer, did not see any guts or signs that I actually hit it (did not feel anything either at the time). I did put the truck in the garage last night and the trailer stays outside. Luckily this morning the garage was not bad (very faint smell). But walk outside and yup can still smell it by the trailer. I am guessing the skunk went under the truck and trailer but sprayed as the trailer went over him. The trailer is a 20' enclosed trailer with plywood decking. Anyone ever have a similar experience, any suggestions what/how to clean the trailer? I crawled under the trailer this morning to double check and again did not see any physical signs of skunk just the smell (not bad bad but it is there).


Well-known member
I ran one over once. Smelled terrible but went away after about a month. Didn’t do anything other than a normal car wash to try and remove it though. 


Active member
For my Dog, we use 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, and two spoons of dawn soap. Works awesome on the dog, don't know how it would work on the trailer. I do know the quicker you treat the dog, the less after smell you have. I would think you could mix this in a 1 gal sprayer to get the bottom of your trailer?


Active member
For my Dog, we use 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, and two spoons of dawn soap. Works awesome on the dog, don't know how it would work on the trailer. I do know the quicker you treat the dog, the less after smell you have. I would think you could mix this in a 1 gal sprayer to get the bottom of your trailer?

This works very well
I have also had great results


Well-known member
Could haul it to a truck wash for a acid wash would prob take care of most of it and shine up that alloy at the same time


Well-known member
There is a liquid product out there called Skunk Off. Works great on the dogs, I imagine it would work applied with a 1 or 2 gal sprayer as well. But, I think Ezra has the best suggestion, kill 2 skunks with one stone. -Mezz


Well-known member
Not sure where you are located in MN. Around here the roads are a perfect mix of slop and slush to get rid of almost anything stuck to the bottom of a rig or trailer. It wouldn't take much of a drive to wash off the smell in these conditions. It might sound like a lazy approach, but it works. You can go to the truck wash later to shine up the rig.
Acid wash works fantastic. Painted steel or aluminum, but aluminum gets harder and harder to clean and shine after that process.

old abe

Well-known member
not sure where you are located in mn. Around here the roads are a perfect mix of slop and slush to get rid of almost anything stuck to the bottom of a rig or trailer. It wouldn't take much of a drive to wash off the smell in these conditions. It might sound like a lazy approach, but it works. You can go to the truck wash later to shine up the rig.
acid wash works fantastic. Painted steel or aluminum, but aluminum gets harder and harder to clean and shine after that process.



Not sure where you are located in MN. Around here the roads are a perfect mix of slop and slush to get rid of almost anything stuck to the bottom of a rig or trailer. It wouldn't take much of a drive to wash off the smell in these conditions. It might sound like a lazy approach, but it works. You can go to the truck wash later to shine up the rig.
Acid wash works fantastic. Painted steel or aluminum, but aluminum gets harder and harder to clean and shine after that process.

Thanks for the thought, went for about a 20 mile road trip after work today on all the side streets (couple inches of slop). Will see what it smells like tomorrow, plus get out the hose to clean it off.

Thanks for the other suggestions as well, might be trying them as well...... will smell how things are tomorrow.


I would try the new Dawn spray on dish soap to foam the underside of the trailer and let soak and then power wash off. I used it to clean my power valves this year and it worked great.


Active member
I would try the new Dawn spray on dish soap to foam the underside of the trailer and let soak and then power wash off. I used it to clean my power valves this year and it worked great.

I just wanna know how you got the skunk smell on your power valves in the first place.


I did not have the skunk smell, I was stating it works great as a cleaner for many things. As skunk spray is oil based the the dawn soap works well.