Made a last run to northern MN this weekend with the sleds and family, primary reason was to see the grandparents and let the kids get the last riding in for the winter. Never pulled the wife sled or my sled off the trailer. on the way home late last night Mr. skunk decided to play chicken in the road, by the time I saw him it was to late. Got home and got out of the truck and he left me a present....a nice smell. I looked under the truck and trailer, did not see any guts or signs that I actually hit it (did not feel anything either at the time). I did put the truck in the garage last night and the trailer stays outside. Luckily this morning the garage was not bad (very faint smell). But walk outside and yup can still smell it by the trailer. I am guessing the skunk went under the truck and trailer but sprayed as the trailer went over him. The trailer is a 20' enclosed trailer with plywood decking. Anyone ever have a similar experience, any suggestions what/how to clean the trailer? I crawled under the trailer this morning to double check and again did not see any physical signs of skunk just the smell (not bad bad but it is there).