Sled comparison- AC,Yami,Doo,Pol


New member
I second that more pioneering for me...3 years out and the bugs are far more likely to be corrected. Experience teaches that being part of the "gee...we never heard of that problem before" is not a fund club to belong to.

One thing all the makers should take note of is that EVERYONE nowadays gets on the web and compares notes, and by this process we can learn way more about what sleds are good and bad and who is doing the job right as far as warranty and standing back of a product. If the hand warmers suck, you hear about it....and it is NOT a fix for the next model year to take care of, or if it are going to suffer from it big time.

Shame on us if we don't take advantage of this newly created venue to study products BEFORE we buy them.

bryan t

Banned crossfire has almost 11,000 miles on's a 2007...but lets be clear...I had the top end rebuilt this fall (just because)...I had to replace alot of bushings and bearings...put a new track on it..rebuilt the shocks (still blew two out)..and put new power valve cables and springs in her...she's running good right now...but I spent 2,100 dollars in basic maintnace on this sled in two years...maybe I am particular, and try to take care of my things...maybe I am just another stupid cat rider with holes in my

The only motorized vehicle I owned that cost me more in maintnance than this cat was my 98 Harley...which I got rid of..I currently ride a 99 Kawasaki Nomad 1500 ..which now has 52,000 miles on it...the only things I have done to that kawi are change the sparkplugs, oil, brakes, and tires...I spent less on that kawi in 5 years than I spent on my harley in 1 yr....and that makes me happy.

Now if I could just get a sled that rode as good as my cat with yamaha's reliability, and low maintnance...I'd be happy.


I have owned all four over the years, since 1995. I currently have two '09 Yamaha's, the Vector GT and APEX LTX GT. The Yamaha's so far have been rock solid, bulletproof. Gas mileage is great on the Vector and acceptable on the Apex. Ride is beautiful on both and handling is nothing at all to complain about once you have the right carbides bolted on the stock ski's. Fit an finish is superb. Vector goes 100 easy, and I hit 102 on the Apex this last weekend before I shut it down, while still accelerating. Crazy fast is the Apex. Vector is perfect power for the trail.

Only sled I would never, ever consider owning again would be Arctic Cat. Had bad, bad quality on a Thundercat and would never touch one again no matter what. And it wasn't just the quality, it was the dealers that couldn't trouble shoot and fix the problems.

I'd buy either Polaris or Ski-Doo again if they had the right product and the spirit moved me. E-Tek is interesting tech and so is the 4-Tek and the Rush is cool stuff too. Owned more Polaris's than any other, and never had a problem with one of them, other than a battery connection problem on an IQ that reared its head at -15. Dealer claims they fixed, but I didn't keep the sled long enough to find out for sure.

One thing for sure, you will be making a massive technological leap going from a late 90's sled to current stuff. You will notice a big difference and wonder why it took you so long to upgrade.


Well-known member
One thing for sure, you will be making a massive technological leap going from a late 90's sled to current stuff. You will notice a big difference and wonder why it took you so long to upgrade.

Amen. After upgrading to a XTX last year it renewed my enthusiasm for the sport again. Do it you won't be sorry.