Sled will not shut off


New member
I have my friends 1998 xc 600 and the kill switch and key do not shut it off.we looked for bad wires coming out of the motor and was wondering if I discount the single black wire coming up should I be able to ground that wire so it will kill the motor.the kill switch was the only thing working after last ride but now that's not working ether anyone had this problem and if so what did you come up with.we have been throw all the wire connections and testing the wires just if there happened to be a bad wire but cant seem to find thing to do is to take flywheel off and look for bad wire or ground under that,any help would be appreciated.Thanks


ignition switch

I have my friends 1998 xc 600 and the kill switch and key do not shut it off.we looked for bad wires coming out of the motor and was wondering if I discount the single black wire coming up should I be able to ground that wire so it will kill the motor.the kill switch was the only thing working after last ride but now that's not working ether anyone had this problem and if so what did you come up with.we have been throw all the wire connections and testing the wires just if there happened to be a bad wire but cant seem to find thing to do is to take flywheel off and look for bad wire or ground under that,any help would be appreciated.Thanks

Disconnect the ignition switch sled should still start then see if kill switch works.


New member
I know how to kill it. But would like to fix the still runs so that means we can still ride at least. that's what we did last week.but just seeing if anyone out there has had the same it related to a bad stater or maybe something I haven't checked.we did disconnect the key and tether switch witch worked last time but now the kill switch is not working ether.


New member
same here! His knees where touching his chin while running home with wet pants on! Okay I was 12-13 when we did this to the poor kid. Still makes me laugh.
The best part was we got him to do it a couple more times after that! It got funnier each time!

Sorry to hi-jack your thread! Hope you get it figured out! I know I wasn't much help:eek:


Well-known member
look under handlebars to make sure kill switch isn't unhooked. From what i'm reading, you have the ignition disconnected?


New member
I know the filling I grab a pliers one time that was sitting next to the ones I was using that had the rubber on them and the one that dint wow.will look a little harder at the tools be for I grab them.but that was 20 some years ago but still remember the


New member
the kill switch has always overrides the ignition switch and the tether,but now that the kill switch isnt working it pushes the problem back down towards the motor.we did do a continuity test on the kill switch and the ignition and thy are working.kinda wondering if I can ground one of the wires coming out of the motor just to eliminate one more thing and if so which wire


i've had this happen twice on polaris sleds i've owned. There is a wire down by the engine recoil cover that both times pulled apart. it is a single wire, not part of a larger harness. it has a connecter on it and both times i have had trouble the wire has been pulled from the back of the connector on one end. reconnect this wire and all will be good. If I remember correctly it was a White w/black stripe wire.

i was trying to locate a wiring diagram, i will keep looking in case you need more info.


New member
The main wire is a black w white tracer. if it is unhooked motor will run continually. But your problem has changed as it goes which is strange. I would caution grounding the black/white wire as I think the stator is normally open then closed to shut off.but until someone that knows the circuit better replies it may damage CDI.