Snow bad is it this year???

Attak man

New member
Look at this:

Hurley area data for december: (inches)

2008 106.5
2009 82
2010 37.5
2011 35.4

WHat's up with that?? I thought we were under a La Nina pattern last year and this year?? Maybe La Nina is not as much of a "snow helper" for the upper midwest as we thought.
Granted things can change quickly for the lake snowbelts...but...those outside the belt are getting really worried. This is the first time in 5 years our snowmobile trails (Tomahawk wisconsin area) have not opened before xmas...and it doesn't look like they will be opening anytime soon.


New member
I think we may have to cancel sledding this year and hope for snow December 2012. I kept hearing it was going to be a banner year, but I think that they must be totally wrong. Oh well, I am heading west instead of to the U.P., I just hate doing that, because I love the u.p., and I dont have to change anything on my sled to ride there. I wish John would have some good news in the forecast, but I dont think he is going to have any for the next month....what will happen is that we will get all the snow in the end of march and april, and it will be to warm and crappy to ride in.


Well-known member
I think we may have to cancel sledding this year and hope for snow December 2012. I kept hearing it was going to be a banner year, but I think that they must be totally wrong. Oh well, I am heading west instead of to the U.P., I just hate doing that, because I love the u.p., and I dont have to change anything on my sled to ride there. I wish John would have some good news in the forecast, but I dont think he is going to have any for the next month....what will happen is that we will get all the snow in the end of march and april, and it will be to warm and crappy to ride in.
and where do you think you will be finding snow west?we just canceled our trip to Breckenridge for jan1st worst snow yr in 50ys in the mountains less than 21in at 11k feet.the snowies are not any better guys busting up bulk heads and a arms like candy.


New member
Yep, the west doesnt offer much either. A couple friends out there said dont waste the fuel for the conditions.


I'm pulling gas tanks off this week and going to empty them. Put new fuel in them, stabilize the fuel and put them away. Never in my wildet thoughts did I think I would be summerizing my sled in December. Even Paul Douglas sees no pattren change in the foreseeable future. Amazing. I hate it.

Deleted member 10829

We are all upset about the start to this winter, but that's a bit over the top to say you are putting the sleds away for the year. Do you really believe we won't get any rideable snow yet? I'm as down as anyone, but winter is only a week old. Hang in there!


New member
We are all upset about the start to this winter, but that's a bit over the top to say you are putting the sleds away for the year. Do you really believe we won't get any rideable snow yet? I'm as down as anyone, but winter is only a week old. Hang in there!

Winter starts when the average high temp is viable to maintain snow. That day hit about 4 weeks ago in many northwoods locations. So we have lost a solid month of snowmobiling already. I don't agree with putting the sleds away yet though, but its probably going to equal the horrible start of 2006.


New member
Did you forget about the HUGE rain last year this time? Everything was ruined then too but we had a LOT of rideable days after that in the UP.


New member
I think people are jumping the gun a little.... Just about every year for the past 15 or so Ive made the trip the weekend before Christmas to the camp near Twin Lakes. The reason I say just about is there have been quite a few that either didnt even have enough snow to make it worth it or if we did go we spent more time shooting pool at the mosquito than on the snow... Then again I remember came out of nowhere storm with 24+ inches overnight a few years ago on opening week of Deer hunting..... Just never know but I wouldnt be winterizing the sled yet.


Well-known member
1st year ever I have not ridden in Dec. If no decent snow by Feb that would worry me because solar angles start getting high end of Feb. Very well would drain gas if no snow by then.


New member
As Jonger mentioned,...
That start of 2006 Really sucked. Remember it all too well.
I wouldn't put the sleds away yet,... BUT I can feel Mnuser's pain.
What some people keep forgetting, is that for MANY folks who visit
this site, they live LONG distances from the U.P., Upper Minnesota,
the Tug Hill area of New York, or the Mountains of the East OR West.
So, when they only get to "getaway" but Once OR a couple times of year
to some of these places at best,... AND the conditions are poor,...
What other way is there to look at it?
As the weeks go by at breakneck speed, with no improvements,....
It becomes pretty hard to remain optimistic.
I sure hope JOHN's Forecast for MY area holds true,... and NOT the NOAA's
forecast. Because theirs looks like 40 and rain for the upcoming weekend, and John's offers hope. It is amazing how accurate he is, more times than not. That brings a smile. :)
Even though "I" am fortunate to only be 3 hours from John's neck of the woods,... and my days off are in the middle of the week,... it still is a pretty penny to take a spin up for a few days every week to do what I should be able to do in my own back yard.
It's Mother Nature.
And there isn't anything I can do about it.
But like Jonger stated in an earlier post,... around here, We did lose close to a whole month of Local riding. and a Month is a Month.
With the "local" forecast not looking all that promising for up to 16 more days,.... that isn't much hope either.
Maybe the saying: "Snowmobiling is a rich mans sport" may becoming true?
I am in it for the "family" thing of the sport.
Sure hope THAT never goes away.
There have historically been worse winters,... but I sure hope
this isn't going to top THAT list.

Well,... Time to get in touch with Dr. Phil

my .02 cents worth

Bummed in Cheeseland.

Thinking * Snow!


Well, they are now sleeping for the winter. It was nice to hear them run again. If it snows, it would not be impossible to dig them out. Bigvin summed it up nicely. Driving 6 hours to ride is really not an option when all you have free is weekends. One would think that living in central MN would allow you to ride from your house. Not going to happen this year. Some weather outlets have us in this pattern till mid to late January. Once we get to late Jaunary, our riding time is pretty limited. And I would not be surprised to see this pattern extended out into February once late January rolls aroud.

I never thought I would see this in my lifetime. Makes one really think.....

On a side wife told me to go buy a dirt bike. She at least with that you are always going to have dirt.
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Well-known member
Yeah this is a rough start. I must be spoiled but i just save my vacation times for when it actually snows. The holidays are "free" vacation days but ill go at a moments notice in January, February or March if thats what it takes. I do it as a guys trip but also with my boys. The family trip is pretty much gone but if i can get them to miss half a day or a day of school to go sledding with me for a day then I think its worth it. Think Snow!!


New member
When i first got serious about the sport(1992) we did not really get enough snow to ride on till Jan 10th.

Now that was in Big Rapids, mi ...but we mostly rode Irons, Cadillac Traverse city and Kalkaska.

But after that is was decent riding.. from what I can remember.