snowgoer mag


I e-mailed SnowGoer this morning. Here is the response that I got back: "We know these are challenging times, with the onset of COVID-19 we had to change our business strategy due to issues with the supply chain. We realize your issues are later than it has been in the past, printers supply of paper is low and harder to obtain, the postal service is slower on delivery which adds vital time to the delivery of your subscription. We apologize and working hard to correct these issues. Believe me, no one is more frustrated than we are. We will extend your subscription and assure you’ll receive the very next issue."
They did send me links for the online October and November issues.


i got the same letter a few days ago, but i still would like the issues i paid for not just a extension. i have all my magazines collected since the late 70s....

ICT Sledder

Active member
They responded to a facebook message I send them a week or 10 days prior. More or less said the same thing and directed me to call a phone number.

If there is a printing/paper covid issue, none of my other magazine subs seem to have had the same issues.


Active member
Print media is fast becoming a unattractive market for advertising $$ and that's what magazines rely on, not subscribers.

One of my logger customers was down for several months this spring/summer as the mills were NOT accepting loads. The banks were still accepting payments on the millions of $ in equipment loans though.
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Well-known member
I cancelled my subscription several years ago because of their bent, as it were, that the sun rises and sets on Polaris...if I want a propaganda rag, I shouldn't have to pay for it

When your office is about a 12 min drive to any of the 4 poo office parks surrounding you .


Active member
Anyone else still waiting for even the first SG issue of this season? I've got nothing.

Received my Nov issue BEFORE the Oct issue. I emailed them and they sent me a copy of the Oct issue directly from the office - white glove in it's own sleeve. And the pages / cover seemed MUCH better quality for whatever reason. Like it was a sample copy of the issue that they want customers to touch / feel cuz it's higher quality?


I started this thread, and to this day dont have anything. I lost three years of subsciption money. Oh well not going to stop me from enjoying season.


Active member
Nothing wrong with Yamaha other than being a bit on the heavy side. They are the most dependable (obviously being 4strokes).

You can do the mountains without getting into the steep and deep (heights). Beautiful meadows filled with more Pow than you have ever seen. A guy on here took me out to the Snowies, first time EVER to the mountains. He got us into a meadow and we played for days while the more experienced (aka: NOT ME) went and rode the trees. Other than getting stuck less than 100 yds from the cabin, I was hooked. LOL! Did not feel like we were at a different height (elevation) other than the lungs feeling it. In my opinion every sledder should go out West at least once in their lifetime. Just to experience that deep, bottomless snow that you can't / won't get anywhere else. Do it once and you will be back!

I agree plenty dependable, but not as fun for me. If they made a lighter feeling sled i'd be all over it.
A well maintained 2s especially a 600 can hit 10k no problem. Key is well maintained. Like adjusting oil consumption to a 40:1 or 50:1 and proper warmup which few people do.


nothing yet for me. like i said before probably going under. to bad they wont come out and just say there done.


Have not received any printed issues yet. Received digital issue link to December issue on 11/23 with the following message: "CLICK HERE to access this digital edition of Snow Goer.

SUBSCRIBERS - Look for your print edition of Snow Goer in the mail 7 to 10 days after you receive this email."


YEA!!! i finally got my December issue print edition! first one this year, now that it's almost January....better late than never??


Same here, I received mine yesterday as well. Nice article on the 72 Moto Ski Zephyr. I had a 72 Capri, back when we used get snow in December to go ski-doing. :)