Snowmobile gifts for xmas


Whats a few things I should ask for xmas from my sister or P's for xmas?

And what are your guys favorite DVD this year? Slednecks? 2SCS? Burandt?

Range around $50 each

Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
muff pot.face masks I can never have enough if I go for a 7 day trip I bring 7 with.if they find one with 3 holes I will buy it off you for double.
oil never hurts.
I know Santa is bringing me CO and MI season stickers it is nice that Santa can just go on line now and do his shopping for things like permits


New member
I bought snow in a can at the $ store you open it ,add water and watch it grow, so let's all buy a can come to the U.P. and open them all at the same time....


Active member
I always like getting good wicking under clothing and socks or good gloves. Got like four pair of different gloves that I pack. Balaclavas are good also. I always seem to lose one or two a year. Gas cards are good, or oil. A gift card to your local Cat shop. Love those!
The snow in a can is a great idea! Specially now.
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