"Demographics" of a snowmobiler...
A mental condition typically found in men in their early 40’s to late 50's brought on by the realization that old age is just around the corner. Symptoms include: frequent reminiscing about the “good ol’ days”, cranky judgmental attitude and a closed minded approach to anything new. Usually punctuated by the chronic need to play on a snowmobile and vote republican. The condition is difficult to cure and almost always progresses into old-timers disease.
Other symptoms include hatching plans for giving up his sales job, while taking all his savings to move to the U.P. and ride all day. He may have shaved his head, bought a snowmobile and acquired an 18-year old girlfriend?
If asked what's wrong, you will not be enlightened by his replies (remember the cranky judgmental attitude and close minded approach to anything new). He might say he doesn't know, or that he's just not satisfied with his life; now that the kids are grown he wants to toss the 6 passenger vehicle and buy a sports car, a snowmobile and a big truck and trailer to pull around. He doesn't know what's wrong, he just feels different, and only some big dramatic change can fix it.
If he would, or could, tell you what's wrong, you might be able to trace this odd behavior back to a time when he stood in front of a mirror and thought: "I'm 40 (or 45 or 55) and my time is limited. Eventually I'll die, but have I really lived? There are so many things I want to try, to do..." And he decides right there and then that he'll start, right now, he won't let another day slip by without catching up. The next thing you know, he's bought a hairpiece that looks like road kill on him, signed up at the gym, and bought a new snowmobile, truck and trailer.
And you wonder why we all can't get along...