So a little late summer project


Well-known member
So I didn’t want to hijack pclarks thread I figured I would start my own. Started clearing area in early July mostly by myself on chainsaw with wife and neighbor in tractor at times. Building a 40x64x16 storage shed no concrete at this time maybe later. Took my time with tree clearing knowing I wouldn’t be starting on building until mid August.


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Well-known member
IMG_5632.jpeg IMG_5633.jpeg Second week of August had a friend also an excavator come and pull all tree stumps and level sight no real pictures of that but probably 40-50 maples so have fire wood for next 5 or so years. Will try to post pic of wood pile later. Started working on barn on August 19th first laid it out then digging holes. Dug half with my tractor took day and a half then excavator buddy showed up had other half done in an hour and a half.