
New member
i have been sick for the last 3 days. i went to the doctor they said i have all the symptoms of H1N1 flu virus. this thing is kicking my butt!! has anyone else had a chance to enjoy this virus yet? any there is no sign in the future of when the flu shot for H1N1 will be out. sorry but i think its too late


Active member
Problem is they don't know for sure if you have it as you didn't do a blood test. From what I heard, the tests only have a 50% rate of getting it right anyway.

Nope, haven't had the chance and hope I don't get to.


New member
So far, so good for my family, but I have co-workers that are experiencing it. Nasty crap! I remember back in the mid 1970's a simular strain of flu made pandamonia.


Our next door neighbor said her sister in law and mother in law have it.... And she and her son have been sick for over a week.( but they dont think its H1N1) I started getting a sore throat yesterday!...... They closed a school in St. Charles Il.


Active member
I was just back in the hospital for a day and a half last week (for a 'nuther 25 minute heart catheterization). While there I also got the "normal:" flu shot (not H1N1), and a "pandamonia" shot as well.
It looks like maybe the latter was a good idea, eh?
(Does that mean the pandas at risk too? Hmmm … or maybe that was "newmonia"? )


New member
My family and I have not had it. Pleanty of reports from the school that it is going around. A couple of co-workers have had it. I work at a medical facility, so I was able to get the H1N1 nasal spray. Cross my fingers that it works. It sounds like it is nasty stuff!


New member
Whole family has been passing it back and forth for about two weeks. Now youngest one has streped throat and wife has also. Three local schools shut down from tues till the end of the week. I know I could sleep all day if I could. But I gotta get my jdfix.....


New member
I think formanek is right. Just a way to "prepare" us for a bird flu.
My wife has it right now, I'm just hoping not to get it.
Think Snow! -Dave


New member
I have my own version of the H1N1 shot. It consists of 1 shot Hennesy and 1 shot of Nyquil, repeat until all symptoms are gone or until you could care less.


New member
<font color="0000ff">I AM the Flu</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sure hope I don't "catch" it though. YUK!</font>


New member
Had strep throat last Friday. I haven't had that since I was 10, that's 24 years ago. Thought I was coming down with H1N1 though. Glad I went and got a throat culture. I have not gotten either flu shots yet, and don't know if I will.


New member
Well said Formanek, the Flu is the Flu. A couple years ago I missed getting my annual Flu shot and low and behold I came down with the Flu. Knocked me right on my *** for over a week. Any strain of Flu is NASTY. Just my 2 cents.


Most of us have had some bug here at work. You feel like crap for two days and then it goes away. No big deal. From what I have read everyone responds a little differently. I have had worse hangovers.