Soldiers Feb. deerhunt


Active member
… lets just keep adding laws to the books without taking old ones off.
They are legislators, that's what they do — they write new laws. (Whether any new laws are needed or not.)

… Everytime you turn around a group of people are getting special treatment over the rest of the population.
And that's what politicians do — favors for special interest groups — to encourage campaign contributions!

What a country!


New member
How selfish


we have a winner!!I don't get it they put their lives on the line and you guys don't want to let them shoot A deer??come on I hear some of you who went to A foreign war and came home to A thankless country!!if this will help THANK YOU MANY TIMES OVER FOR YOUR SACRAFICE!! I think its a great idea!!


New member
They are not "special interest groups" or "any group for what they represent" other that they represent the reason we can debate this topic and live free. There are a ton of issues with the management of our resources..... But I still say let em hunt!


While I fully support the soldiers, as previously stated they did sign up for this. I was in Europe for my job for the two week season should I be able to join the hunt to?


New member
I go to work everyday, by choice, pay taxes, being a contributor to society. Does that give me more of a right to do things others dont? I am what this country is all about, making my own choices, nobody gave me my freedom, I earn it everyday! My point is, we all try to do our part to keep our freedoms, right down to the paperboy. The money used to fund wars come from hard working Americans. I went to college to earn a higher wage to make a better life for myself which in turn has me pay higher taxes and the circle continues.


New member
i go to work everyday, by choice, pay taxes, being a contributor to society. Does that give me more of a right to do things others dont? I am what this country is all about, making my own choices, nobody gave me my freedom, i earn it everyday! My point is, we all try to do our part to keep our freedoms, right down to the paperboy. The money used to fund wars come from hard working americans. I went to college to earn a higher wage to make a better life for myself which in turn has me pay higher taxes and the circle continues.

american soliders gave you your freedom !!



New member
Do you really think their the only ones that sacrificed something for others? What about all the hometown heroes of everyday life. Police officers, firemen, EMT's, doctors and so on. Once again my point is that it takes a society to have a country run as well as ours. Thank a teacher or a nurse for their caring ways.


Well-known member
Not to take anything away from my brother and sister firefighters, but I personally don't feel what I do is anything near what our military does. Yeah, my job is dangerous -- but I'd rather face flames than bullets and bombs any day of the week. And when the work day ends, I get to come home. I'm not stuck in some God-forsaken far away place for weeks, months, or years at a time.


New member
Remember there are only two defining forces that have ever offered to die for you, JESUS CHRIST and the AMERICAN SOLIDER. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.


New member
do you really think their the only ones that sacrificed something for others? What about all the hometown heroes of everyday life. Police officers, firemen, emt's, doctors and so on. Once again my point is that it takes a society to have a country run as well as ours. Thank a teacher or a nurse for their caring ways.

you spoke of freedom............


New member
Not to take anything away from my brother and sister firefighters, but I personally don't feel what I do is anything near what our military does. Yeah, my job is dangerous -- but I'd rather face flames than bullets and bombs any day of the week. And when the work day ends, I get to come home. I'm not stuck in some God-forsaken far away place for weeks, months, or years at a time.

Thanks for doing what you do and writing what you wrote! I have missed hunting due to my job, travel, been low on seniority that I could not get my deer hunting week etc but that is NOTHING compared to what they have do day in and day out. I do not earn my freedom; they fight for it for me. LET EM HUNT!