I can give a little update, through further research I guess the ground isn’t completed until you turn the key which send a signal to the ECU which sends a signal to the solenoid to ground it out. So far I guess everything is working as normal, I should have the new battery this weekend and get it installed and the problem should be fixed. I still have power to the small post coming from the key switch all the time but no one knows for sure if that is correct or not including the dealer. Now keep in mind the info I have received is from different threads off other sights that I read so I have no first hand knowledge. I can say all the test I have ran for the most part have worked out fine and when I turn the key everything works as it should except 7.8 volts going to the starter which I guess is a battery problem. With a new battery giving correct power it should fire correctly. So if I do have a problem it has to be with the wire coming from the key or the switch itself. I can’t really fix that until I know for sure how it is supposed to work.