Well-known member
As a lot of things happening around the country and world today cause a lot of frustration to many on this forum, myself included, figured I’d share a more positive - sort of - post. I shared a couple months ago about my plans to go out west and never really followed up with anything about my trip. The last week of January, myself and 2 buddys headed for Laramie, to ride the snowy mountain range right after a 4-5 foot dump spread out across a few days. We left early Sunday Morning to get out there, sleep, and ride right away Monday. Well, the ever growing in popularity snowys definitely had some snow, the most at that time in the US! Problem is we got there after the weekend warriors. As we were heading out there we were seeing videos on Facebook of trucks and trailers parked on both sides of the road for miles coming down the hill, if you ask anybody whose ridden that area before, they will tell you they’ve never seen that many trucks and trailers parked up there. We spent 2 days riding the worst trails of my life to try and find untracked snow. It was next to impossible to find for someone who doesnt know every square inch of that 10 mile wide mountain range. Day 3 we decided to load up and head to a super secret spot a couple hours away that we have ridden before. When we got there, we had to fix up my buddy’s a arm in the shop of the very generous rental owner. We get it wrapped up and head up the hill and unload. We stay on the main trail for a few miles and are getting close to the good terrain. We get into a wooded section on the trail, turn the corner, and it was like nothing I’ve ever seen before. A fresh blanket of 2+ feet of snow, literally at the flip of a switch. We were the first on it, and needless to say the rest of that day was probably the best day I’ve ever spent on a mountain sled! To no surprise we were jacked for more on day 4. About an hour into the ride I was sidehilling across the mountainside, and POP. I caught my foot funny in the snow and my knee let loose. Some of you who know me well, may know that 4 years ago I did the same thing to the same knee in Togwotee. Now was time for the fun part, the trail ride back on a bum knee... Quite obviously our trip was over and we headed home, satisfied, at least, that we got an extremely epic pow day to ourselves on the mountain! Once I get back I decided to head to an orthopedic doctor, whom I wish I would’ve seen 4 years ago as I never did anything when Injured it 4 years ago and it has never felt the same. MRI revealed a ton of loose fragments of cartilage laying around in my knee cavity, a slightly torn meniscus, but luckily no torn ligaments. He recommended arthroscopic surgery but said it wouldn’t be necessary. I was hesitant, and tried to let it heal on its own. 50 days later I could still hardly walk up stairs so I decided to have the surgery. I am now on day 11 after surgery and WOW it feels better than before surgery already. I was running around on the ball Diamond last night already with the little man with no issues! Figured I’d share my adventure to you guys, and advise to you with joint problems, just listen to the doctor and get the dang surgery done! Enjoy the pics