Fusion im glad we seem to find common ground. Believe you me, I totally get the goverment waste, overspending, ect. I applaud Walker, at least for his drive, determination and willingness to be the first to actually try and tackle the problem. While I might not totally agree with his entire method the man does deserve respect for his convictions and fighting for "change". My only complaint is with anyone that does not see the work of a police officer or firefighter seperate from and deserving different considerations than that of a Teacher, Judge, Legislature jerk at the capitol, highway worker, some sort of other state or goverment worker. To believe that Police work is overated concerning danger is just laughable. And to believe that simply raising the pay by 5 to 10% would have people knocking the door down to get the job is also laughable. When I was taking police exams to get hired in the 90's it was not uncommon to "test" with 200-400 other applicants to get one single position. In my area now the last time we tested 40 took out app's, like 28 showed up to take the physical exam, 25 pass the physical and took the written, we ended up with like a pool of 20 actual applicants. Then once you begin doing background examinations and psychological examinations we were lucky to end up with 10 actual canidates to consider. Then by the time you get around to hiring them half of those will already have jobs. Its not as easy as you think it might be. And to suggest that any person in the public would be ok with just anyone being a cop because they are willing to take the job?? Do you really want a person out there with a badge and a gun in that position of authority just because "anyone can do it". Or do you want the "right" qualified, educated and SCREENED person that is willing to take on such a "unique" ( I wont say challenging or dangerous cause we will go back to argueing) job. Who do you want pulling over your teenage daughter or helping your wife at 2 am. Some guy who can do the job because they raised the pay a bit or some guy who was screened and desires to do the job because. I also would argue that any cop that is lazy and donut eating is no different than any other employee in the private sector, GET RID OF THEM. I dont want that person on my shift or being my back up anyways. And there are dead beat cops out there!!!!! But if there system doesnt allow for those people to be fired than it is the "system" that is broken not the profession and the guys doing the job respectfully.....