Sooooooo Happy It Is Over!!


Well-known member
No you can't cut people off that have been paying for SS & Medicare all their lives but I'm sure someday an age line will be drawn in the sand & both those benes wil be modified to be within realistic budgets. You also need to be aware the Fed Gov has been skimming SS funds for years for other things so again do you trust the feds to make sure you get what you pay for? Your 19 years should be grandfathered not dismissed but dovetailed to fit your needs in future contracts that can be budgeted & supported.
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Active member
First off, jerkbait, I respect your 19+ years of dedicated effort as a police officer/detective, and I mean no disrespect in the following. (Although I do wonder if the ability to write clear, concise, unambiguous police reports that are not at risk of misinterpretation isn't a requirement in most law enforcement agencies. Surely any competent defense attorney would enthusiastically pounce on any opportunity to exploit any such thing!)

Yet I have been accused in a different thread of "shirking" my duty as resident pedant!
Unfortunately your post has provided me with fertile ground to once again demonstrate my continuing assertion that English is a dying language! All in fun, of course — sort of.

pedant - a person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit bookworm, scholastic purist - someone who insists on great precision and correctness (especially in the use of words) bookman, scholar, scholarly person, student - a learned person (especially in the humanities); someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines.
So nuthin' personal, but here we go!
… People in the county ousted [sic] to laugh saying that he must have slept with his cloths [sic] on.

[He was fired (ousted) for sleeping with "cloths" on? — No clothes, just Tarzan style loincloth(s)? — Or maybe wash cloths?]

… when I was young I watched as a police officers [sic] saved the life of a very close friend of mine.
Not only was he there to help he [sic] … was also the most compassion [sic] person in a time of crisis.

["a police officers"? Hmmm, I wonder was it "a (one) police officer" or (several) police officers?"]

["to help he"? desperately needs a comma: "to help, he" or more correctly a semi-colon: "to help; he", but hardly anyone understands the use of semi-colons!] [and (a) compassion (vs. compassionate) person?]

I wil [okay, perhaps a 'nuther mere typo :)] never forget that day.

If you all feel that just ripping the bandaid [sic] off is the only way to fix the problem than [sic] I guesss [okay, just a 'nuther typo? :) ]

[Band-Aid ® — its a registered trademark!] … [(a) way to fix the problem — rather than ignore it?]

… the Feds should shut Medicare down tomorrow and let all the seniors take it in the shorts to [sic] …

[to what? To solve the problem?]

Social security is equally bankrupt and a drain on the tax payer [sic]".... Shut that down to [sic].

[taxpayer is one word!] — [again, to what? To solve the problem?]

And all of you who have paid money into social security get nothing back like your share you paid in just like Ihow [yet a 'nuther typo?] you don't want me to get any of the ten percent that I have paid in to my pension for the last nineteen years.

I agree with changing, or phasing out any of these government programs including my pension put [sic] u [I'll let 'u' have that 'u' as freebie!] — [and (your) pension "put me" where?] just can't take everything away in one fail [sic] swoop [vs. "one fell swoop"].

[(a) fail(ed) swoop"? vs. "one fell swoop"]

Spelling? Grammar? Proofreading too? (Notice I didn't say "to" as in "to Chicago, etc.) Editing? Sigh!
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Well-known member
Aside from being enlightened today that I didn't actually pay into my pension like I thought I had and am therefore unworthy of being an American, I've also learned that the correct phrase is "one fell swoop". I would have typed it as "one felled swoop". For the latter lesson, Nash, I thank you!


Super Moderator
Staff member
And to those of you who think these jobs are just walks in the park, why don't you or why didn't you try a career in them (especially since the deals are so "sweet"?)

True, but here is the problem I have with the public unions in Wisconsin compmaining about what they lost. If their job is so bad now, why don't they quit and come to the private sector? I know some probably have, but, every person that I know personally who works for the state of Wisconsin, has no intention whatsoever of quitting their current job, and going into the private sector. Why is that I wonder?


Well-known member
True, but here is the problem I have with the public unions in Wisconsin compmaining about what they lost. If their job is so bad now, why don't they quit and come to the private sector? I know some probably have, but, every person that I know personally who works for the state of Wisconsin, has no intention whatsoever of quitting their current job, and going into the private sector. Why is that I wonder?

For some/many of them, it might have lots to do with how long they've been on the job, have a family to support, etc. Pretty tough and probably not very wise to try and start a new career when you're 15 or 20 years into your current one.


Well-known member
For some/many of them, it might have lots to do with how long they've been on the job, have a family to support, etc. Pretty tough and probably not very wise to try and start a new career when you're 15 or 20 years into your current one.

The average person will work about 40 years maybe more. Very few people stay with the same company private or public for 35 years or so & retire with a goldwatch. Those are bygone days of your grandfather. Now days you are a hired gun & move about every 5 years to greener fields so even at 20 years you are only 1/2 thru your employment life. Moving on after 15-20 years is NOT unusal these days & moving on is the new norm. If you have not moved on to another company in 20 years you are about to or the company will move you 1 way or the other. Sad but true!! I only know one person who had 20 years with the same company & at 20 years they cut him a package deal to move on & hired a less expensive youngster. He has since moved on 2 times in 8 years & is doing well & although the changes are difficult all in all very dobale & improved his life.


Super Moderator
Staff member
For some/many of them, it might have lots to do with how long they've been on the job, have a family to support, etc. Pretty tough and probably not very wise to try and start a new career when you're 15 or 20 years into your current one.

I see your point, BUT, they do have the option to leave, especially younger people who have only been working 5-10 years for the state. Even with the amount of money they had to give up to contribute to their pension and health care, it is still, I think, for the most part, better than the private sector. I pay 40 percent of my health care costs.

I worked 20 years for the same place, quit in August of 2012 because the company filed chapter 11 last June, I decided it was time for me to leave. Trust me, I know all about leaving a long term job, having a family to support, starting over, starting at the bottom, etc. Scary for sure.


Well-known member
I see your point, BUT, they do have the option to leave, especially younger people who have only been working 5-10 years for the state. Even with the amount of money they had to give up to contribute to their pension and health care, it is still, I think, for the most part, better than the private sector. I pay 40 percent of my health care costs.

I worked 20 years for the same place, quit in August of 2012 because the company filed chapter 11 last June, I decided it was time for me to leave. Trust me, I know all about leaving a long term job, having a family to support, starting over, starting at the bottom, etc. Scary for sure.

I know you had to leave because your company folded, so you didn't have much choice. I'm just saying that changing horses midstream is not usually an enticing prospect (unless it's a career advancement opportunity), if they have a choice. Hey, nobody -- public sector or private sector -- wants to take cuts and/or make concessions. I think it's only natural that they grouse about it. I know that I did when we had to take them. But I'm a believer that no matter who you are, there's somebody else worse off. Bottom line is, yes, cuts and concessions stink. However, not having a job stinks a whole lot worse.

Are you already planning on leaving again in August of 2012? :) Sorry, couldn't resist taking a stab at your typo.....kudos to you for taking a bad situation and turning it into a positive. I hope the new place is working out well for you.


New member
I give up. You all win.... I can't take this anymore...... As far as spelling. I am typing on my daughters iPad since we're on a family vacation. I am a very low tech guy living in a high tech world ok. Typing on a iPad???? I have snaushage fingers for god sake.....


Active member
I give up. You all win.... I can't take this anymore...... As far as spelling. I am typing on my daughters iPad since we're on a family vacation. I am a very low tech guy living in a high tech world ok. Typing on a iPad???? I have snaushage fingers for god sake.....

Typing on an iPad? I know all about that; I often post here from my iPad when I'm away from the desktop machine. The iPad certainly is not a user friendly way to go, especially on this forum. Ditto for the iPhone; talk about "snaushage" fingers — on an iPhone? Yikes!

Have a great vacation!


I give up. You all win.... I can't take this anymore...... As far as spelling. I am typing on my daughters iPad since we're on a family vacation. I am a very low tech guy living in a high tech world ok. Typing on a iPad???? I have snaushage fingers for god sake.....

Like this? :D



Well-known member
I give up. You all win.... I can't take this anymore...... As far as spelling. I am typing on my daughters iPad since we're on a family vacation. I am a very low tech guy living in a high tech world ok. Typing on a iPad???? I have snaushage fingers for god sake.....

Nash does his thing with everyone....don't worry about it he has a good nature to his posts just his way.:)


New member
Ok good..... Finally a happier element to this whole thread. I get it people I really do. I guess that is what makes this world go around is that we are all different with different views yet were all the same. Americans First. Friends, neighbors, co-workers and that "idiot" coming at you full throttle on the trail????? Bottom line is that there are ALOT of others to blame for the problems that we are all facing on a daily basis. Politicians, crooked bankers, ect.... I guess that we are the ones left at the end of the line taking the S*&T storm coming at use head on.... Regardless of what side of the "issue" you are on good luck to all of us and the certainity of a uncertain future for sure that we all face.

Hey Nash???? Have fun with that worded up messs....... Heeeee, Heeeeee, Heeeeee


Well-known member
I dont think the future is that uncerten. we are all just numbers on a pice of paper working for the corparation of the US government that is working for the fed reserve with the end goal of a one world currency it controls.
it is all just a matter of how fast you want to get there.