Up a Blind Hill 60mph on Left Side of Trail w/Kid on board
Sunday afternoon 1pm ish ... Heading North on Trail 59 just S. of Napier.
We get passed on the left side by a group of 3 - 4 Trail Racers haulin' the mail in a hilly section of a North/South Field Trail.
These folks were absolutely flyin' .. and not only the 1st one of the group, but each one following the first idiot was on the far left (ONCOMING Traffic ... hello !!?????) wrong side of the trail going up these Blind Hills at that speed and getting air under the skid too.
The worst part ... One of them had a kid on board.
I kept praying nobody was coming the other way ... because if they were,
it would have been deadly at that speed. Head-On / Un-Avoidable IGNORANT Crap.
Tell us Trail Racer .. What right do you have to Endanger the Community and our Sport through your Ignorance ?
There is No Way you can justify this type of Negligence.
One day your number will come up .. and that's ok as long as you're alone, or with a tree or something stationary. However, no need to take innocent folks out with you. They are just out to enjoy the day, and the Privilege of the Trail System, and not have it (or their life ended or ruined by stupidity.)
This post is not a debate, just an observation, and a reminder ...
Johnny Rocket is alive and even Faster and Dumber than last year !