southern michigan


anyone hear what happened in the accident off of i believe trail 59 north of niles? was @ lunch with family n buddies and heard there was a bad accident. cops were going by us when we pulled in to stop, supposably were flying a helicopter in for medical transport.


New member
is this the 1

Tustin man hurt in Snowmobile Accident
Posted: 1/8/2011
An Osceola county man is hospitalized at Munson Medical Center for a probable head injury after his snowmobile rolled over several times this afternoon.
Wexford County deputies say the accident happened shortly after 3:15 p.m. on South 35 road near East 46 Road in Clam Lake Township.
Deputies say the victim was in a group of five snowmobilers, who had been traveling south on private land.
As the driver came over a hill he lost control of his sled due to unstable ground conditions on a farm field.
Deputies say 31 year old Eric Allen of Tustin rolled over and lost consciousness.
He was wearing a helmet.
Alcohol may been been a factor in the accident, which remains under investigation.


Nothing reported on news last night. This morning they are reporting a 47 year man and a seven years boy were throwin from their snowmobile following a crash near Dowogaic. Both were taken to hospital condition unknown. Sounds like man lost control in a turn.
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New member
Best Wishes to anyone that may have gotten injured , especially the 7 yr old kid, "that" choice was not his own. What people fail to realize is... that this ( SWMI ) area doesn't recieve the same kind of trail maintenance that other areas ( more popular ) get when preparring the trails early in the year. a lot of these trails run over farm land that is " chisel plowed " . And with a LES dumping like we just recieved they are far from ideal. a 1 time over with the groomer will not produce a trail that is flat with a base. In fact the trails are hard to control your sled on, never the less it brings out everyone, from the "Professional Trail Racers" to the Family guy. Unfortunalely when you throw booze into the mix and like said in another post, it's a "dangerous cocktail ". The sporadic snow this area gets doesn't lend itself to superior trail maintenance, that would draw large amounts of riders that in turn bring alot of revenue in the door for this geographic region. The snow is here, but it actually takes a constant snow & cold weather for a long period of time to produce better - smoother - safer trails.


Up a Blind Hill 60mph on Left Side of Trail w/Kid on board

Sunday afternoon 1pm ish ... Heading North on Trail 59 just S. of Napier.

We get passed on the left side by a group of 3 - 4 Trail Racers haulin' the mail in a hilly section of a North/South Field Trail.

These folks were absolutely flyin' .. and not only the 1st one of the group, but each one following the first idiot was on the far left (ONCOMING Traffic ... hello !!?????) wrong side of the trail going up these Blind Hills at that speed and getting air under the skid too.

The worst part ... One of them had a kid on board.

I kept praying nobody was coming the other way ... because if they were,
it would have been deadly at that speed. Head-On / Un-Avoidable IGNORANT Crap.

Tell us Trail Racer .. What right do you have to Endanger the Community and our Sport through your Ignorance ?

There is No Way you can justify this type of Negligence.

One day your number will come up .. and that's ok as long as you're alone, or with a tree or something stationary. However, no need to take innocent folks out with you. They are just out to enjoy the day, and the Privilege of the Trail System, and not have it (or their life ended or ruined by stupidity.)


This post is not a debate, just an observation, and a reminder ...
Johnny Rocket is alive and even Faster and Dumber than last year !