Squeak at low speeds 09 xfire6


I'm having a heck of a time with this one.

around 5-40mph i get a squeak, not constant, just an eek,eek,eek...and its not quiet. anything over 40mph i cannot hear it, but as soon as i let off the throttle, it comes back. Pretty embarrassing coming home from a ride yesterday. I am worried something worse may be up.

Here is what i have done:

nothing much. changed the belt. blew compressed air on the clutch. looked at it running for a while. called the shop, they told me to spray wd-40 on the clutch. I said thanks, but no thanks. wd-40? not where it can readily pickup belt dust...

this is what i have: 2009 Crossfire 6. 1200 miles. diamond drive w/reverse changed at 1150 miles.

not really sure what else i should do before i need to take it in...the squeak cannot be normal, anything else i can look at or try?


New member
I'm going to say that it is your track. I would guess your track only has clips on every 3rd window, and the rubber track (where there are no clips) is squeaking when it rubs on your slides/hyfax .


Well-known member
depending on where the sound is coming from it could be idler wheel bearings

I've had idler wheels squeak due to not being in tight enough, but the bearings were fine.

Let us know how certain you are that it's coming from the clutch area. Take a picture of your belt sitting in your secondary clutch.


the noise for sure is coming from the left side (belt side). much less noice form the right side (muffler side). hitting the breaks doesnt quiet the noise, if that means anything.

I put new hyfax on before the season. ran 25 miles with no noise. then the last ride, the squeak started.

so belt tension...how do i make it looser? it made the noise even after i changed the belt.


Well-known member
click the attached click, then click it again to make it bigger.


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ahh ok. well i did try the bigger shim and even at idle, it made a squeak. which was odd...i wonder if i should remove even the thinner shim?


took off the belt and let it run for a while. no squeak. i had a louder squeak with the .66 shim. the .33 was on and is not back on when the squeak started. can i run with no shim?


Well-known member
In light of the fact that you put a new belt on, that is probably the noise you are hearing. Try your old belt & see what happens. No noise, it's just the belt, IMO, let the new one wear in for a bit, if you reduce the shim or eliminate it, you will notice a performance difference on engagement. Keep in mind, all new belts are not exactly the same in length, some can be up to 3/16" different. Old racers use to look for the shorter belts for race day for that quicker engagement. Just my .02-Mezz


Well-known member
Hard to believe it could be the belt at that speed. Maybe, but maybe not.

Try standing on the sled and rocking it side to side with the engine off. I would not be surprised if you will hear the stabilizer bar bushings squeaking.


Well-known member
When did you last have the Primary checked, it is possible that there could be an issue there. Had it inspected for worn pins &/or bushings?-Mezz
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i'm going to buy a track stand so can get a better look at it and see it run.

Not sure if the dealer looked at the primary or not when i had it in early dec. all they said was looks good.

i'll hopefully get to take a look at it in the next day or so. stomach virus is wreaking havoc on me..


i can't get my sled into the shop til sometime later this week. they are a tad backed up still.

I was able to finally get a track lift FF has two different types now, so i got the handle lift type made by sledstuds.com? never heard of them, but the lift is nice.

anywho, i ran it down the street and popped it up on the lift. I ran it there for a bit and it ran nice until i heard the squeak. It's not coming from the belt area like i thought. It's from under the sled, front track area. I'll keep in mind a few posts up what was said about the track.

I just had the hyfax replaced, so i am leaning (and hoping) that this is what is wrong. I don't have a heated garage, so all i could take in 0 degree weather was sitting out there looking for about 15 minutes...