Stolen Trailer and Sleds


New member
We recently had our trailer and sleds stolen from Crystal Lake, IL where they were being stored. The trailer was a 25' 4-place enclosed United, white trailer with black rims. It was decked out inside. The sleds were a 2006 polaris switchback 144, blue, 2003 ski-doo rev mxzx yellow with custom blue hood, 1999 polaris indy trail 2-up, torquise blue, and a 1998 polaris indy 500 black. And all the parts and tools that were inside the trailer. If anyone has any info it would surely be appreciated. I want to catch these S.O.B'S and get my stuff back. This couldn't have happened at a worse time coming into the season, just got our first snow and no sleds to ride. My 8 year old daughter who races sno-cross doesn't understand why we don't have a trailer to race out of this year, that sucked having to explain this one to her. Any help would be great.




Well-known member
I started searching on the internet for em, googled it, and TONS OF HITS on snowmobiles being stolen from storage places in crystal lake, IL. Definatly sounds like this is all done by the same person.
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New member
Hey Mike sorry for the loss, do you ever get on the web site Fun on the Fox? You may want to post there as there are quite a few sledder on that site plus the BK Boats and Sled guy's are from that site, you should reach out to them to keep an eye out for anyone selling parts etc... You may also want to check out the golf farm on Rt 12 where they run the local races.

Good luck


New member
Indy stolen sleds

i started searching on the internet for em, googled it, and tons of hits on snowmobiles being stolen from storage places in crystal lake, il. Definatly sounds like this is all done by the same person.

indy :< not to sharp on this internet thing (might have some future tho) how did you do that so fast.. I am from this area but keep trailer locked and in the gated back yard..meathead....thirsty1 ..sorry to hear about the equipment , sleds , tools ...will keep an eye open...chi, town chop shop a possibilty


New member
Thanks Guys,

I race out at the golf farm, got the word out there too, my brother in law reached out to BK and some of those guys to keep there eyes open. It does sound like the same crew doing this. They'll screw up eventually hopefully we catch on this one.


Well-known member
Man, so close to home. Sorry to hear. Keep an eye out on craigslist, the advertisor, and whatever other local classified ads you know of.


Active member
PM me on you trailer problem. I do not info on your trailer but I may beable to help on another front.


New member
Not even the neighbors have seen anything? I mean If it's behind a gate in your yard, they had to use a truck to pull it, that had to make some noise. I'd be looking around "Wondertucky" (Wonderlake) Lot's of theives around there, Back in the late 90's had 2 of them stolen there, recoverd one smashed on the lake left for dead. The other one, well never did see that one again. Unfortunatley the McHenry county sheriff's are to busy chasing revenue to help anyone out in need. (traffic offenses) Good luck to you & your daughter! Might be someone right in your own neighborhood, who knows your schedule.
Seems to be nowhere is safe anymore, I now live in the "sticks" of East central Minnesota. My nearest neighbor owns 3800 aceres, 3 yrs ago had a guy in my front yard trying to steal a sled with a broken chaincase! Sheriff's picked him up with 4 warrants, drunk, high, & meth pipes on his person. We recieved a letter about 6 months later that he had to serve 30 days for that attempted theft! Why The Face?


Sorry to hear about your sleds. Do you have any pics you can post of what they look like? Maybe try informing all the snowmobile clubs in your area with the info as well.


New member
Got word today the Sheriff are following leads on two guys who stole 3 sleds in Lodi, WI and were sold to a pawn shop in Round Lake. They think they are taking sleds from Illinois and then selling them in WI, then taking sleds from WI and selling them in IL on the way back. One guy is from the Woodstock area is what I was told. So keep an eye on your stuff and lock everything you can lock. They said they were hitting Adams Cty in WI, so watch your stuff. I'm putting LoJack on the next trailer. I hate thieves!


Atleast it sounds like some progress is being made....I've got my fingers crossed that you get a nice big gift before x-mas!


New member
Really sorry, That just pi$$es me off. If people would put in half the effort they do at being a criminal, into being a decent human being, they would be so much better off... not to mention the inocent people they hurt.

Tell the police, they better find them before you do!!!


New member
Got word today the Sheriff are following leads on two guys who stole 3 sleds in Lodi, WI and were sold to a pawn shop in Round Lake. They think they are taking sleds from Illinois and then selling them in WI, then taking sleds from WI and selling them in IL on the way back. One guy is from the Woodstock area is what I was told. So keep an eye on your stuff and lock everything you can lock. They said they were hitting Adams Cty in WI, so watch your stuff. I'm putting LoJack on the next trailer. I hate thieves!

If these guys are doing that they will be caught, they are leaving a very easy paper trail to follow. I am a L.E.O. in Chicago and even the FBI could solve this one. Be patient you should be fine, I hope the pieces of S**T didn't cut your trailer up for scrap though. We see that once in a while and itmakes me sick.

If any tips from Chicago get brought up drop me a PM with your number I would be happy to check out any leads they or you may have.